Hey BK,
I just started playing BF1 again and I love Sniping (Scout) and enjoy playing a Medic as well. I googled and youtubed (Think I just made up a word!

) tonight until my brain literally hurts trying to get as much info as possible about these 2 classes. If anyone knows of a good site with detailed class weps, builds, play tips etc... I would love to see where you all are getting your information. Or if there is anyone who is an expert on either of these classes and wouldn't mind some noobish mind-picking let me know! My main focus right now is mouse/keyboard settings for Sniping and general play guidance for being a Medic.
For sniping try out the gewehr 95. It essentially has a "Straighjt pull" and a relatively quick firing rate
I have found that most of the medic guns are underpowered but if you want to stay with the scoped I would suggest the M1916 selbslater marksman or the mandragon sniper. They have a slightly slower fire rate but good damage and larger magazines than many of the other medic weapons 26 for the M1916 and 10 for the mandragon