ok now i know we have a split group of people some like nvidia and others like amd
now there is some really nice software available depending on which type of card you have and again depending on its spec will also depend on features available.
for nvidia users there is geforce experience which has:
game optimization (not all games are here but most new and big games are)
gamestream to nvidia sheild
led visualizer
shadowPlay (which can be set to record upto the last 20min of gameplay or desktop ect and save once you press a shortcut key along with other recording and screenshot capabilities). requires 600 series or higher
automatic driver updates.
for amd users there is amd gaming evolved
Optimized game settings
Capture and share (record or stream to twitch) i also believe this can record the last 20min as well but its not confirmed. no info about which cards are supported.
Watch and chat or just play (basically a social part)
automatic driver update.
have a look and let people know what you think.
i have been using the geforce experience and it makes it ease to get the best setting in game for my rig and also having the feature of constantly recording it can save those omg moments or i cannot believe i just did that (or my favorite i just killed johnny).
I am going to download AMD Gaming Evolved...
What about live broadcasting for AMD do you need broadcast software & if you do witch one is better & spam free, regarding twitch I think.
i think the software i listed will broadcast to twitch but not sure i have nvidia an don't broadcast.
Amd evolved records and broadcasts