Hi everyone, after a system crash, and reformat of the OS, I am attempting to get CODWAW back up and running. I keep getting booted by Punkbuster, and the error messages have varied:
- punkbustera.exe... was the first one
- This PB server requires (A1409 C2.259) error loading pbcl- got this one several times
- PB init failure= This one is the current one
I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled patches twice.
I have located the PB folders in users/David/activision/etc. pb and also in c/program files/activitgion/codwaw/ob and deleted them. Then went back to evenbalance to reinstall. The only method I've used to reinstall PB is through PBsetup. The latest version, from what I can tell, is v2.308, which is the one I have currenly, but I keep getting kicked. CODWAW says the Client version is v2.308 A1409, and the server version is V1.814 A1409 C2.308
Please, someone help if possible.
Thanks a bunch,
Fairway Dave
Funny! I don't even SEE Punkbuster in my control panel!

Dave here a link to PB support http://box22.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php