Team Speak Push-to-Talk Keybinds using a Joystick and Mouse
HawkeyeMon Jan 02, 2012 7:59 pm
You can still keep your current binding for the Push-to-Talk and use this one in addition to.
This is for all who have a Joystick to fly. I am going to reference this towards my joystick (keep it clean please!) I have the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. This should work for all Joysticks, however, I don't have another one to compare it to. Perhaps, someone who does, can post back their findings.
Start with TS open.
Go to Settings >>>> Options >>>> HOTKEYS >>>> ADD (Here you will find 2 ADD buttons, use the one in between Delete/Remove) SEE ATTACHED THUMBNAIL
Make sure the "On Key Down" is ticked, click on NO HOT KEY ASSIGNED Chose what key you want on your Joystick.
Now you need to attach the ACTION. Scroll down to PUSH-TO-TALK and click on the little triangle and chose DEFAULT. Then hit OK.
Now test both buttons...your original one and now this new one....
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