Did anybody buy one of these? If you did and don't like it, I will totally buy it off you.
I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 with verizon 4g (before all the legal hullabaloo started). So far, I'm loving it.
I have purchased 10 of them so far. I had alot of friends that wanted them but could never find them. Rumor is there is going to be be another release of the current model. I guess they still have materials to build more, they just havent been assembled yet. Keep your eyes open, this should be happening in the next month or so.
PS, there has been a break so you should be able to put the android OS on the HP Touchpads. I havent looked for it, so Im not 100% sure of that, but this is what I hear.
Silent_Wolf wrote:
I have purchased 10 of them so far. I had alot of friends that wanted them but could never find them. Rumor is there is going to be be another release of the current model. I guess they still have materials to build more, they just havent been assembled yet. Keep your eyes open, this should be happening in the next month or so.
PS, there has been a break so you should be able to put the android OS on the HP Touchpads. I havent looked for it, so Im not 100% sure of that, but this is what I hear.
Maybe you and I can work something out. I live 80 miles or so from proper civilization and I don't drive. So it was/is next to impossible for me to make it somewhere to get one in a reasonable amount of time. They are also generally sold out online fairly quickly. Supposedly it will be 6-8 weeks before more are available. I'll keep my eyes open for when they are close to release. If they are 99 again I will gladly pay + shipping to get my hands on one. And yes, I want it for when Android is fully ported. The TouchDroid team broke up, but AFAIK the Cyanogenmod team is still going strong, and since I already use CM7 on my phone I would more than likely use that on the Touchpad as well. For 100 bucks, and a working Android port, you can't beat that as far as tablets go. Considering the Chinese stuff is all junk.
I'm waiting for the fire sale to happen ... seems I may have missed the boat.
I saw Amazon UK (or was it play.com) had a 64Gb model for 30% off, but I was hoping it would be a lot less.
Have you got the spares to build your own?