Polite & Friendly's


Tracer's Sucker Punch

TracerFri Jul 15, 2011 6:05 am

This may help spread light into the mind of Tracer. Though you may agree or disagree please understand my intent is neither and is irrelevant to me. Not to be rude to others but to enlighten in the face of so many mindless or over explained poor movies out now. This is merely my soap box and is not intended to insult anyone (well only the public reviewers of the film).
I watched Sucker Punch tonight and I was amazed....awed.....overwhelmed but what I saw, heard and felt. The reviews say that this movie made no sense, that it had no direction and no real explanation. I must say that the reviewers are sadly mistaken. But it does show that we Americans are lazy. We  feel entitled to an answer to each movie. Justification to every action though our narrow minds cannot comprehend the subtleties of music and imagery without dialogue explaining what we should already be feeling, seeing, hearing. I watched this movie with my wife as mindless fun after a 14 hour day and we both found that this is more than it seems. This is not mindless gratuitous sexy women running around killing things. It is so much more. For starters I watch movies in a way others don't. I hear with my eyes, I see with my ears, I feel with my heart, and I bring this together with a sharp mind for looking under the surface. When was the last time you listened to the words of a song in the background of a movie and understood it as part of the dialog? When was the last time you let your imagination create your experience, an experience so very unique to you that to explain this to another would be hopeless. This is the essences of Sucker Punch. If you take the time to use your ears for seeing and your eyes for hearing and letting that beautiful mind of yours to create the stage for something more then even the writer envisioned then you can truly say that your mind is open and not crushed by the necessity for full explanation. These are the traits that make books so incredible. This is why Japan has some of the best horror/suspense films to date. Yes we are mostly men over 30 but did we forget along the way that we are human? That we can do and feel as we wish and no one, I repeat no one, can take this from us. Let go of the pride a moment to stop and think, listen, and feel in ways that society says we should not. That is when Sucker Punch lives up to it's name and hits you with a blast of immense clarity that "everything is OK in spite of appearances" even in the face of sacrifice.
So as I step down from my soap box and meander away I only ask that you "hear" what was said without pride or prejudice. Leaving you with this as I stroll away. "Who honors those we love with the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us, and at the same time sings that we'll never die? Who teaches us what's real, and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live, and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us, and who holds the key to set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!"

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BraxisFri Jul 15, 2011 6:15 am

excellent review tracer, I couldn't agree more.  I absolutely loved this movie, particularly for its depth.

And as for reviewers viewing it poorly, Check out THIS GUY. this is Movie Bob, he's a movie reviewer AND  a video game nut, and i and him agree most all the time. also, his reviews are really funny.

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HeHawKilLerFri Jul 15, 2011 6:20 am

I thought it was great as well.  These reviewers must be mindless, expecting the story to be laid out in the first five minutes so they don't have to think or even guess what's going on and what's going to happen.  I like how you worded everything...it's how i watch a movie as well.  It also sounds AWSOME in 7.2 surround sound!!
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RifleDanFri Jul 15, 2011 10:49 am

OOUUFFFfffff !
I tought i was alone of my specie.
I havent seen that movie yet but i will.
What i like is the way you discribe how to watch, ear and feel a movie.... And everything you said is real for music too..... and every moment everybody lives in is life.
And most everyone will say that they do feel and live every moment of their lives....but for most of them, they lie.

No one will admit that they cried when they saw the first step of their children.
No one will admit that they got speechless seeing a single bird fly.
Did anyone cried at the end of "the lord of the rings"....too shy to admit....   Cause this movie (and book) really explain and show the meaning of friendship. I mean MEANING of friendship.
and exemples go on and on and on and on and.................
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TracerFri Jul 15, 2011 1:56 pm

Ty to each of you and in response, Braxis: Movie Bob has it right and said it well. HeHaw: 7.2 two brings they "seeing" with your ears aspect and yes if people need it explained in the first 5 min then well try not to scratch the surface you'l break your mind. Dan: Well said. Two the those two lines near the end. Yes and Yes. And The Lord of the ring series brings in levels of writing and depth of friendship that most bypass on a reguar day.
To each of you what more can I say but Thank You.
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BackslashFri Jul 15, 2011 3:12 pm

I have seen this movie it was good 7.2 i think is the right review its a very sand movie and yeah at that age * SPOOFING* how many time will you do that creating your little world so life seems a little better*SPOOFING*. I watch a lot of French/UK/RUS/ and other country movies so i critic a little and its true that for the regular folks it could be a little harder to see all of the potential of this movie. Great review Tracer and thank you for this post.
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HeHawKilLerSat Jul 16, 2011 1:06 am

Lol...7.2 is my surround sound reciever...not my score on the movie.  It actually has the potential to actually do 9.2, but i don't have that many speakers Sad
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TracerSat Jul 16, 2011 1:45 am

LOL I saw that also. Glad I wasn't the only one. 7 speakers plus 2 subs. I currently go with 5.1 due to the size of my living space. If I was rating the movie then by far is 9.7. Please know I'm not making fun of you backslash, Hewhaw and I were ambiguous in how we said it.
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HeHawKilLerSat Jul 16, 2011 2:03 am

Yup...most times the 7.1 isn't used as most blu-rays are still 5.1, and matrixed into 7.1 isn't as good, Sucker Punch was an exception since it was mixed very well, and upping it to 7.1 made it actually a little better.

 So far the only movies I own that are done in 7.1 are Tron Legacy and Toy Story 3, and they sound awsome.  My girlfriends cousin is going to school for sound, and he says that they are starting to shift  more to 7.1 soundtracks to go with 3D movies, and will cross over onto the non 3D blu-ray platform.
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BackslashSat Jul 16, 2011 12:49 pm

lol haha my bad but good one i guess i was just reading to fast lol but still i give the movie a big 7
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