Polite & Friendly's


Banned from TS for no reason

BullWed May 25, 2011 8:14 pm

Ok, so I was banned from teamspeak for "Recruiting" however, I have never recruited within teamspeak, or any BK server for that matter. I have submitted tickets, emailed Luke, and tried everything to resolve this. I'm not trying to recruit, never thought of recruiting, nor ever would recruit on someone elses' server. I am pleading with Luke and the other officers who see this to please contact me. I really do dispise being accused of something and then when I try to defend myself I am shut out. Please consider this as an invitation for discussion.


Anthony "Bull" Luth

PS. I've been on ts numerous times since my leave from BK and I have only spoke to say hello to everyone and ask how they are doing.
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BullWed May 25, 2011 11:40 pm

I've been told that I did something that I did not do. I plead with Luke to allow me to discuss this, rather than pleading on the forums.
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KarowThu May 26, 2011 12:32 am

Hey Bull

You still have my email address let me know what happened and when and I will look into it

You are a good man I sure we can get this resolved
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HeHawKilLerThu May 26, 2011 6:23 am

We miss you Bull...I miss stabbing you!
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BullThu May 26, 2011 3:58 pm

Miss you guys too! But sad as it is I don't think Luke is going to let me back on teamspeak, even tho I did nothing, and he refuses to discuss it.
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HeraclasThu May 26, 2011 7:00 pm

good to see ya around but bad to see ya banned m8

miss you Bull...
regards Herc
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SilexxThu May 26, 2011 9:47 pm


I am still wondering why you left - I loved playing with you. Welcome back - if you are back.

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BullFri May 27, 2011 4:00 am

Just beliefs of my own, which I feel strongly about. Luke, do you care to discuss this at all?
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BullFri May 27, 2011 6:54 pm

So here is the situation, I've tried to take this up with Luke but he refuses to discuss it, so now I bring it to you the members. In about November of 2010, I left BK to help form a new group, which I will not name out of respect for the rules. When I left I told my group that we would abide by the rules of BK regarding playing on the servers, one of which is to refrain from passing any information regarding our group within any servers owned and operated by BK. On one occasion, a member asked if we had a teamspeak, to which I replied we did. Before passing this information on, I requested permission from Luke to put the address into a personal message on teamspeak, to which he replied it was ok, as long as it wasn't in the welcome channel. Now mind this was back in probably December or January. Now since then, I hardly game ever due to my computer being fried in a power surge. Now, 3 days ago, I jumped on teamspeak. Being my girlfriend was asleep, I typed everything. During no time during this visit did I ever mention anything regarding the group or anything of any nature that could be deemed recruiting. Several members of senior rank were present. This is the case of many visits I have made to simply say hello to those I call friends at BK. The following morning, I was going to jump in and say hello to people since I was able to actually speak, when I started teamspeak it said "Permanently Banned: Reason Recruiting". I can not make sense of this. Never have I attempted to recruit within BK. Even on our servers, I respect players choices to visit our teamspeak and game servers, and didn't attempt to recruit. I have attempted to resolve this matter, to as you can tell, no avail. I urge any members to chime in on this situation, as I myself do not understand it.
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HeHawKilLerFri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm

Well....maybe someone asked how your group was, and someone caught the tail end of it thinking you were recruiting...cause i've never seen you try to recruit.
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UchiMataFri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

And I thought you left BK due to differences with another member.

Hope that this can be resolved, but if not, see you in the real world.
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SilexxFri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

Little disappointed to hear that you are getting the cold shoulder, however it could be that Luke is trying to marshal the facts before he responds.   I know he is busy and just made a huge move. I am sure when he gathers all the information and facts, he will respond accordingly. A reach out to the officers should also garner some information, maybe they can make a command decision - after garnering the information. I would hate to hear that it is something based on "hear say" - which can be the case in a large clan with 100s of people moving in and out of TS.

Good luck - keep the faith brother.

Hope to see you in game.
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BullFri May 27, 2011 8:42 pm

I most certainly hope so!
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