Polite & Friendly's


My Apologies

TheFreakingPope1Wed May 18, 2011 2:12 am

Dear Bad Karma Scrim Team Members,

I deeply apologize for the comments that I made during the scrim that I participated in last weekend.  What I said was out of line and there was no excuse for it.  I was not thinking and I was letting my emotions get the better of me.  All I can say now is that I am very sorry and it will never happen again.

[GEN] TheFreakingPope
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KarowWed May 18, 2011 3:21 am

Don't worry about mate we all have them moments from time to time and on behalf of BK apology excepted.  Looking forward to scriming with you in WaW
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LukeWed May 18, 2011 3:27 am

Thanks for visiting our forums we enjoyed the game and look forward to more.

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LEGENDWed May 18, 2011 4:25 am

I much appreciate the apology, Pope. Don't worry too much.. these things happen. Everyone gets a little short and hotheaded in matches. I got a laugh out of the comment more than anything else.
Thank you for coming over here for a written apology. See you in future matches!
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