Polite & Friendly's


Spawn Killing

ComN4UThu Apr 28, 2011 9:26 pm

Many players complain about spawn killing.  How can you avoid it if you are spawned in the other teams area?  Shouldn't one use the Tactical Insert Perk if they wish to control where they spawn?  I agree that is is not so nice to steak-out the opposing team's spawn site, but sometimes you get spawned there yourself.  If it were real war... you always have the risk of the other team showing up in your camp.

And then you have those.... so many of 'THOSE' that shoot once they re-spawn.... I can understand you do it in case you are spawned in the opposite team's location..... or you are just happy to be re-spawned, but hey sometimes you can kill your own team mates.

Just thought I'd throw this out there and feel out other player's opinions.

Thanks for the play,
ComN4U Wink
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UchiMataThu Apr 28, 2011 10:37 pm

There isn't much of a team/squad element to BlkOps as played on the public servers. You'll find that most are lone-wolves who keep pushing the spawn points so the mantra of 'spawn, die, spawn, die' gets tiresome.
Many a time I have found myself spawning in an area with enemies and shooting them in the back. I shoot anything that has a red or no tag - so apologies if someone has only just spawned in front of me.
Being a sniper is no fun if the rest of the team have moved up and exposed your back.
Having said that, I recently played a few games with a couple of BK who had previously played BFBC2 and we were effective as a little squad.
For now, you'll just have to accept that this happens - unless of course you raid a server with a bunch of team-mates and obviously end up on the same team.
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H1N1Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:09 am

yeah ide have to agree , im a pusher/camper i guess it depends on what map and what weapon im using,and you are so right uchi sniping stinks just because of that reason,and im a sniper kit lover but   most of the maps arent made for sniping.
i usually only snipe on berlin wall cause there are a couple spots u can actually camp pretty good even if your team has moved up. the camera spike also helps alot to.
back to spawn killing....its pretty much unavoidable, being where u spawn,or people pushing up. you allways get that 1 or 2 people that will spawn right infront of you so you have to think... him or me, even though the honorable thing to do would be to try to avoid them ..you cant cause   you   will    die...but i guess what it all boils down to is that its a game,and ur allways gonna have whiners about something..i use to whine about 2nd chance alll the time,but i got use to it after a while..now i just laugh when i see someone using it..anyway ill stop rambling on cause im forgetting the purpouse of the post..ha ha ha

ps. i allways know that when i kill a BK member there is allways another BK member lurking in the shadows waiting to kill me  Wink
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Silent_WolfFri Apr 29, 2011 2:50 am

Im sorry this just had to be said, spawn killing is like picking your nose.  You dont want to do it, no one wants to see you do it, but its going to happen at some point or another and sometimes just sometimes there are ppl that like to do it.
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DamonFri Apr 29, 2011 7:03 am

There is a distinction between killing someone who spawned in your line of sight and intentionally camping a known spawn location on a map.  The first will happen by game design.  The second is difficult to accomplish with any real success, and is something I personally frown upon.  Fortunately, I've yet to really see someone do this outside of Nuketown.
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SilexxFri Apr 29, 2011 3:36 pm

Camping a spawn point, while not a rule on a server, is certainly frowned upon. However, spawn camping in Black Ops is a lot harder than in previous versions. There are SOME maps where one can still do it, but for the most part the spawns can get jumbled quickly and we see lot more spawn flips in Black Ops than we have ever seen.

The maps (expect one) is really not designed for snipers - since they are small. Most (including myself) push the entire game. Thus forcing spawn points to move.
So - I shoot any enemy I see - no apologies.

However, if I DO notice that a player has stopped (because they are typing) or if they have just spawned - I try to get them ample time to either crouch, cover, or move before taking a shot. Sure I have a bead on them, but I would like to give them at least an opportunity. Of course some players I give more leeway too, but there are others like Scooby and H1N1 that if I give them even a fraction of a second after spawn/typing/pause - I am a dead man.

I certainly don't spawn camp, but I do shoot to kill and as fast as I can. So in some cases I might shoot someone that just spawned. For that, if I didn't give you a second to crouch, take cover, or move - I am sorry.
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TracerFri Apr 29, 2011 4:10 pm

I'm def a pusher. My goal is always to flip a spawn because it keeps people guessing where you are. However, there are those that camp primary spawn points. Case in point is Havana near the AA gun. People lay down next to the truck tire and wall facing the AA gun. They spawn kill from there until they are shot. No pushing the spawn at all. Or they go prone at the wall corner and spawn camp without pushing. What I mean about spawn camping is not camping the avenue of approach as this does give op4 a chance to move, what I am talking about is aiming right were op4 spawns. Picking them off as they appear. This is also done on Launch from two different hallways. Laying down and picking off the spawn as op4 appears in game. I could go on but each of you know where the spawn camping spots are for most maps. By pushing a spawn I prevent my own team from having the opportunity of spawn camping (non-BK members on the team). Camping an avenue of approach is different and I have no problem with that because I have the chance to use tactics to out manuever the op4 position. Just my two cents on it. It's part of the game and will not change in the future so I deal with it and go for the push at all cost unless I am tactically camping an avenue of approach. And yes I am guilty of spawn camping my self but typically no more that 30 secs before movement. (30 secs can indeed garner 3-6 kills) So I admit to doing it but few and far between. I'm working on not doing it at all but I'm a work in progress.
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bil4shortFri Apr 29, 2011 6:54 pm

I agree with Silent_Wolf... it happens, don't sweat it...move on.
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