Polite & Friendly's


Team Speak

blackstarWed Apr 13, 2011 7:03 pm

hi guys
have played on the servers a while now and would like to be a member of the bk clan!!!!!!!!
only problem is i have never used team speak before and i wondered if you would give me a heads up before i make a complete A%$£SE of my self!!!!
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LukeWed Apr 13, 2011 7:38 pm

Thanks for contacting us about joining. To join BK fill out a application located here: http://www.politeandfriendly.com/modules.php?name=Application after you submit the application you will receive a email with info on how to join us on TS.

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BraxisWed Apr 13, 2011 7:42 pm

heres the basics,

Follow the link provided HERE to get TS and IP and port info

then, go into the options (pathway, settings -> options -> capture (tab)) and set up the capture device. MAKE SURE TO SET IT FOR PUSH TO TALK. this is so that we dont hear you breathing, or any off color comments not allowed on TS.  I suggest a button that is near your hands when gaming for your push-to-talk button, (i use one of the thumb buttons on my mouse) some others use the cap-locks key.

next is connecting to our server.  there are 2 ways of doing this, some prefer to use "bookmarks", others "connections". both are pretty self explanatory (please note, leave the password section blank, ours is an open TS).  You will find all the IP and port info in the link above.

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LukeWed Apr 13, 2011 8:13 pm

Everything Braxis sent you will be in the email you receive after you fill out the application also.

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blackstarThu Apr 14, 2011 5:47 pm

Thanx guys
thats really appreciated
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