Polite & Friendly's


Banned from black ops pnb crouch server #1

bloodlustSun Mar 20, 2011 1:48 am

player Name: [NONE]BLOODLUST
Server:pnb crouch server #1
Time (in EST please): 11:30 am cst<
Subject: temp ban or ban for balistic knife use

I was playing ur server today and was banned or temp banned not sure at this time. however i was unaware that using a balistic knife was against the rules. i was crouched and ran out of ammo on my main gun. unfortunatly i have not been playing long 3 days to be exact, so my aim is pretty bad. I may have killed one person. lol anyhow. i was hearing a couple of younger sounding admins speaking and sounded like they were having alot of trouble with rule breakers and may have gotten a bit triger happy with the ban button on me.

 I looked threw ur rules and i dont see where a balistic knife is prohibited for the way i was using it. i was firing it while crouched, not running and stabbing. i killed one person with it and missed the next and was killed then banned. I didnt see any warnings and heard my name said just as i got banned. If i was in fact breaking a rule i would have appreiciated the chance to correct myself. As i said earlier i am new to the game but ive found ur servers to be a good place to learn becuase of the slower pace. so i try to get into them when theres room. although most of the time i get pawned becuase most everyones a better shooter than me at this time.

 Both of the admins speaking sounded quite frustrated with rule breakers at the time. So im sure i was just collateral damage. I would hope u guys would concider unbanning me. I do enjoy the focus on aiming in ur servers. And if the person who banned me reads this i know what u were goin threw. i was an admin on cod4, on several servers, so i know the frustration of wanting to play and cant becuse nobody is listening or just blatently breaking the rules. We all play these shooters becuase we want to have fun. Hackers and jerks are abundent in blackops ive figured that out in 3 days of play. They can make ur job very frustrating. Reguardless of whether im unbanned or not(if it is a ban) keep in mind that some of them are like me, noobs to the server and and the game and are still figureing things out. always give them a warning verbally is best since u can. im so focused on staying alive for more than a second i dont look at chat much. usually when i do its while im dead. i imagine most noobs are the same way. so please in the future kick before ban. they will comeback and ask why. if there a jerk about it then thats a whole nother story.

 I know this is long, lol im long winded. thanks for the fun guys! keep shootin. Oh and look out i wont be a noob forever. im top on my team 90% of the time in cod4 and suspect that i will be on black-ops soon.
PS it was a ban. and i tried to use the ticket sytem didnt seem to work. i probably just couldnt figure it out. sorry for the inconveinance.
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LukeSun Mar 20, 2011 2:32 am

I do not see you on our ban list. I also do not know how you could have been banned for temp ban or ban for balistic knife use I'm not even sure how to add a message like that.

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bloodlustSun Mar 20, 2011 6:43 am

I am in fact banned. Just tried again to be sure. i wrote temp ban or ban by the way reaon was just balistic knife. least i think thats what it said memories not what it used to be lol.
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ScoobySun Mar 20, 2011 11:41 am

before anyone gets kicked or banned, they receive two warnings.
the exception is if you got a warning for something then cursed someone out, that would be a ban.

ballistic knife is allowed, in fact all weapons are allowed.
all perks are allowed, random nades are allowed, camping is allowed.

walking, running, and the related dolphin dives, as they require running are not allowed.
disrespect to others is not allowed.
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PantherSun Mar 20, 2011 12:33 pm

What does PNB mean? It almost sounds like you wasn't on a Polite and Friendly server. Maybe you thought you're on our server but wasn't?
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bloodlustMon Mar 21, 2011 4:28 am

You may have hit it on the head there. It may be a different crouch server. I could have sworn it was doin the polite and friendly posts in console but i could have jumped servers and didnt realize it. my game freezes up regularly for some reason. says steam lost connection. even though i have connection established its quite agrivating.. any how i supose theres more crouch servers than urs, and this pnb may be another group. Which would explain the whole thing. pretty much.
Wow, sorry for the troubles. if any of u figure out who these pnb folks are id like to know. maybe they have a rule against the knife there. Sorta explains everythin. sigh. really sorry for the inconvienance.
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ScoobyMon Mar 21, 2011 10:32 am

a bit of googleing revels yes, your in the wrong place....

you and your knife are welcome on our servers if you are polite and friendly.

server ip websites log says
10601 DACLAW 2011-03-18 12:37:33 Banned player Bloodlust
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