Polite & Friendly's


Help me decide

UFANSSun Mar 13, 2011 8:41 pm

Help me decide.  I am going to be finishing up my up grade and I dont know what to get first.  Should I get my crossfire setup with 5850 or my SSD drive?
Asus 5850
SSD Sata 3

I will be getting both eventually.  Running my current OS on a 500gb drive, programs on 500gb drive.  Once I get SSD drive going to RAID 0 the 500gb drives.  Should be able to use the disk duplicator at work to move the OS to SSD drive.  But the extra 5850 would be nice.  What to do???
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UchiMataSun Mar 13, 2011 8:51 pm

Personally I would go for the SSD.  Having said that, I'm saving for an i7, 6+ Gb ram and whatever graphics card I can get for about £200. Hopefully at the same time as an SSD.
Getting the drop on you guys with sub-100 pings is my goal!
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DemonSeedSun Mar 13, 2011 8:59 pm

If it were me I would get the SSD. I've had my SSD for almost a year now and I love it. One of the best purchases I ever made. You will definetly see a performance increase in OS boot up and shutdown times. And your games load much faster as well. In the end is up to you!
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UFANSSun Mar 13, 2011 10:02 pm

I was leaning toward the SSD, but you guys helped me make up my mind. Thanks.  The Sata 3 should be nice, 355mb read.  IDK might just order both, lol a true addiction.
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CapZacMon Mar 14, 2011 3:59 pm

sounds like you've already decided, but here's my input if not too late...

I've had a SSD for 3 months for my gaming pc (OS plus games).  Got caught up in the buzz and alure off SSDs speed and the hope of providing an edge in gaming.  The reality is, from a gaming stand point (the claims of fast level loading) I haven't noticed a significant difference.  In fact, I was disappointed when I ran the PC Mark Vantage benchmark and there was no before/after difference.

This may sound like a don't like my drive, I do, it's definately fast opening up applications, loading windows, and installing/uninstalling programs.  I regret not waiting until SSDs are mainstream.  For the cost/gb, it's not worth it (right now) in my opion.  I have 4 velociraptors in raid 10 for the home/office that operate nearly as fast with a pant load more storage.

The best performance increases are still video card upgrades and cpu overclocking.
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woofer12Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:30 am

go the asus setup.only had problems laast year with the other major pain in the neck.
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tetTue Mar 26, 2013 12:18 pm

woofer12 wrote:

go the asus setup.only had problems laast year with the other major pain in the neck.

Woofer I should point out this is a two year old thread.
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SSMajorKoenigTue Mar 26, 2013 7:00 pm

lol Smile
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GroundTrooperTue Mar 26, 2013 7:40 pm

Go with neither now.LOL
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woofer12Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:49 am

i would go crossfire with 5850s i benchmarks better than raid.i tried raid for about 6 monts and not noticeable for gaming.
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