Polite & Friendly's


Kicked today from black ops server.

[95th]AnimalWed Feb 23, 2011 4:59 pm

Hey guys, let me start out by saying that you guys run an awesome set of servers, and I seem to only play on BK servers now a days.  I love your rules because they are very similar to the family oriented servers that the 95th rifles run.  Your admins seem fair when it comes to enfocing the rules, which I admire.  I had an issue this morning though.  I was doing ok, with a record of around 20 and 15 or so.  I wasn't running, but I was kicked from the server with no warning or anything. I don't want to be "that guy" who screams admin abuse at every turn, but it seems this was the issue. I had killed hellin and another BK, whom I believe was Beguile, with a nade. I then proceeded to continue playing, I then snuck up behind hellin, and shot him.  Next thing I know I was kicked.  Again, I had no issues with any admin, nobody was directing any communication my way.  As I have said, I love your servers. Being the leader of a clan that has been around since 1994, I know that accidents happen, and I hope that this wasn't done out of spite for someone having a better game than an admin. Just wanted to let you guys know what happened.

Incident  occured today at about 8:30am on either black ops server 1 or 5. sorry, can't remember which.
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PantherWed Feb 23, 2011 5:51 pm

If you were not running then one of three things may have happened. One you may have TK one too many teammates and received the auto kick that we have no control over. Two you were idle in one spot too long and received the auto kick that again we can't control. Or three, someone who was running left the server just as they were about to be kicked and the list scrolled up and you were kick by accident, I have done this before.

Unless it's a ban, the kick is only for a 15 minute timeout and you should be able to rejoin the server after the round is over.
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