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Question about Routers.

SheepdawgFri Jan 28, 2011 6:12 am

I have a WRT54G v8.0 router.  I recently purchased 50Mb Internet.  I have 2 PCs and a PS3.  I noticed that streaming and overall quality or streamign files or downloads for both writed and wireless applications are sub par.  Here is how its configd.

My PC(gaming rig) - Wired
PS3 - Wired(wireless backup)
Other PC - Wireless USB key

Now i dont expect much performance from the wireless being as its G and also i have no idea on her wireless USB spec.  However im positive my PS3 should function better when streaming Netflix or downloading movies.  So what say everyone?  I want as cheap as possible and yes i understand $ = quality usually, but would making the jump to a slightly newer N router handle everything better?  What specs should i be looking for.

Here is a link with some tech specs on it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linksys_WRT54G_series)

So...what say you gents?

Also, i dont want some sort of super high performance top of the line GAMING EXTREME N router.  The gaming and PS3 are wired, and should do just fine...
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BolerroFri Jan 28, 2011 6:35 am

With the WRT54G you can try setting up QoS in the Applications & Gaming section. I have mine enabled and set my wired ports to have higher priority than wireless. This may help increase your throughput to those devices.

Also, not sure if your router is susceptible to this, but some don't allow simultaneous connections. So basically when you have multiple machines running on the same router, it essentially switches back and forth between the connections. This can cause what appears to be lag or poor connections.

Hope that helps
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SheepdawgFri Jan 28, 2011 9:44 pm

Yea i set up the QoS to give me and PS3 high priority of the bandwisth allocation.  However i think that these 2 pulling info as past as possible casuses the router to reset or 'reboot'.

Minecraft is one heck of a resource hog(java, and its still in beta) then pile netflix on the PS3 and CoD on my gaming rig, and thers sure to be lag spikes and CI's.

My only conclusion is the router cant handle maximum throughput to all the devices and when it starts to lag behind it just refreshes its connections.
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NobleEagleFri Jan 28, 2011 11:33 pm

I do not have the same router make and model but was experiencing some of the same issues. My ISP and associated router use DHCP so to fix the priority issue, I assigned a permanent router IP address for my gaming computer and gave it top priority. That fixed most of my problems. Now, when someone other family member is using bandwidth, my gaming computer gets as much as it needs. Good luck.
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SheepdawgTue Feb 01, 2011 12:59 am

Got a new router and i must say it deffinately fixed the issue.  Thanks for all the suggestions.  Not one stutter on Netflix(PS3) so i think ill set up QoS on this routerto give my PC priority.  Blops still seems a bit sluggish...although so has my PC even with a new install of windows 7.  Guess its time to get back to configuring.
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MooseheadFri Feb 10, 2012 5:03 pm

Bolerro wrote:

With the WRT54G you can try setting up QoS in the Applications & Gaming section. I have mine enabled and set my wired ports to have higher priority than wireless. This may help increase your throughput to those devices.

Also, not sure if your router is susceptible to this, but some don't allow simultaneous connections. So basically when you have multiple machines running on the same router, it essentially switches back and forth between the connections. This can cause what appears to be lag or poor connections.

Hope that helps

Bolerro, can you give a detailed procedure to do this Thanks
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BullSun Feb 12, 2012 10:22 pm

If you want to really perform at the best level, I would recommend not utilizing a router. I actually run better and faster by going directly through the cable modem. A look at my current performance can be seen below by utilizing a Docsis 3.0 cable modem which I go directly through

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BullSun Feb 12, 2012 10:23 pm

Moosehead wrote:

Bolerro, can you give a detailed procedure to do this Thanks

Let me pull out my old Linksys and I can do a step by step for you moosehead.
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BullSun Mar 04, 2012 4:36 pm

Hey guys, did a quick tutorial on setting QoS for you guys, let me know if you have any questions!

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ARRGGHHHSun Mar 04, 2012 8:48 pm

Nice Bull
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MooseheadMon Mar 05, 2012 5:08 pm

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