Sheepdawg got a little crazy the past few days. Every once in a while i like to check out the Linux side of things. So i got Ubuntu 10.10 and installed it. Restarted and it worked great. Dual boot Win 7 and Ubuntu. Then Ubuntu was all "I can haz updatez?" So i said sure why not. 250+ updates later it says "I can haz Grub?" Now it said skip but i had no idea what Grub was. SO i said sure buddy, go ahead and grab whtat you need. Restarted, POST, verifying DMI pool.....ERROR GRUB RESCUE.
OH NOES!!!! So after many trips to #ubuntu and #windows i finally stopped trying to take the quick easy way out, burnt a Win 7 iso to DVD and here i am, back together, but with a new win7.
But hey, i dont mind. Reformattied PC's are super sexy, and fast to boot.
So a word of warning to those of you wantign to dual boot win and linux. Make sure u have an actual drive(not a partition of ur HD0) when installing it. If you do install linux on a partitioned 'drive' on HD0 then DO NOT install GRUB. Skip it, i promise you will be fine. If you have C:/ on HD0, and D:/ on HD1 then you are able to instal GRUB no problem.
FFR, Grub is Linux's equivilent to Windows MBR( Master Boot Record).
Also you are able to just run Ubuntu as a 'Live' session without installing it, so that may be the way to go as well.
also if any of you tech literate guys see any issues in my post, or false information, lease let me know. Now that i have my Win 7 CD i will be more ruthless in my trial and error approach. I guess its the benefit of having a entertainment PC, and not one with buku information.
careful, I have a downed PC . . . Used my Win 7 home Premium win key too many times, now it is no good anymore, now I have the OS installed, and no Key Code to Validate it
It has got me furious, all windows support will tell me, is to spend $160.00 for a new copy of windows
so careful how many times you use your Key . . .