I think my first generation raptors (35gb) drives are going out. I was going to upgrade them anyways with ssd drives. Should I go with
Raid 0 setup or
single drive setup. Im worried about the trim and a Raid setup.
Hey Ufans, bought my first ssd 3 months ago; very fast in loading applications and windows; scores 7.8 out of 7.9 WEI. Raid would be over kill. Besides with an ssd, you want to set BIOS up in AHCI for better performance. I would get a single ssd with as large as capacity as you can afford since i've noticed some slow down when my 'used' space on drive is greater than 70%. Don't worry about TRIM, it's automatic in win7, no action required once you install OS.
Sounds good thanks, as of right now my sys drive is 70gb (raptor 35gbx2) the only thing I have on that raid is the user files and the OS. I run all the programs from a separate 7200rpm drives. So 128 would give me some room to grow.