Polite & Friendly's



HelenBACKTue Jan 04, 2011 9:07 pm

Much to my surpise - I try to log onto a BK server this afternoon (BlackOps #2) and got this notice "you have been banned from this server".
Surely this is some kind of mistake? I've been playing on your servers for a looong time and follow every rule obsessively. It wasn't an in game auto ban from a TK laden Napalm strike or anything - it was my first time logging on for today.

Can an admin look into this?


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HelenBACKTue Jan 04, 2011 9:08 pm

Never mind - looks like I'm back in. Strange glitch with the server admin though!
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HawkeyeTue Jan 04, 2011 9:22 pm

You might have gotten the auto ban from the game for too many team kills....not sure...but that can happen...
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Silent_WolfTue Jan 04, 2011 9:26 pm

I would first like to thank you for join our website and playing on our servers.

If you believe you have been BANNED please comfirm that it is a ban by joining us on TeamSpeak and not a temp kick. If you perform more then 3 TKs in one game session the game will kick you and give a temp ban.  Sadly we do not have control over this features.

Thanks again
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HelenBACKTue Jan 04, 2011 10:54 pm

Glad it all worked out. I hadnt been on yet for the day - and I had no kicks from the day before - so it wasn't for a TK thing. I think it must have been some sort of glitch because I tried to get on a few times...waited 5 minutes - and then was on.

I've actually never even been kicked or auto-kicked from a server before...ever.

I thought for a minute there that it was something else. I have a few really good games in the last month and have been accused of cheating because of it (never by BK members, who know me better than that). I always find it odd that there's someone who goes crazy when I get to 14 -1 and starts accusing me in game of cheating - yet they don't do the same thing to someone else  who on the next map whose at 24-1. To BK admins credit - they always tell the person to stop accusing and if they have a legitimate complaint to spec and record. I welcome anyone who would like to follow me around, but they are going to be pretty disappointed when on half my games I am mediocre - good. I once had a BK member ask me about the gun I was using. For the record - it's the M14 with the hardened perk, Ghost pro, and 2nd chance (with the Colt Python as a sidearm). I instinctively shoot a couple of times in a row - but I can often at close range kill with one shot. I guess this freaks people out sometimes!

Good to be able to play on BK. As a former admin from my old retired clan - I like being able to have a clean server to play on.

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BraxisWed Jan 05, 2011 1:09 am

Glad to see it worked out!  One annoying thing is that the only message Black Ops seems capable of sending to ppl at the moment is "you have been BANNED from this server", never, temp banned, or kicked, just BANNED!  makes ppl a mite upset... lol
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