Polite & Friendly's


Bad Company 2: VIETNAM

Are you going to play Bad Company 2: Vietnam?

Total Votes : 30

Alice-13Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:06 pm

So I was just updated BC2 and there it was, a tag on the left for VIETNAM.  I excitedly hit the button thinking I was goingto get a sneak peak but nope.  I was just informed that it was comming.  BTW:  I cant wait to play some of the new BC2 maps with my BK brothers.  So I did some looking around on the internet for inof on the VIETNAM expansion and I can't wait.

Bad Company 2: Vietnam

Afetr talking with Luke I've put together this survey.  Cast your vote, let us know.  We will probably keep the BK rule set we developed for BC2 and keep Rush as our primary game type.  But be sure to recomend map & game types so we can provide BK the best possible gamming options within practical limits.

So vote and while your doing that I'm going to go lisrten to more Buffalo Springfield:

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Alice-13Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:56 pm

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DFMhellboyMon Dec 06, 2010 7:32 pm

Alice-13 wrote:


I voted yes. If you look in the BC2 part of the forums there are not only some good posts already about the game but some great videos. Wink
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Alice-13Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:21 pm

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DevilDogMon Dec 13, 2010 3:21 am

Sonic, and wannaB both changed it the way that the members wanted to play, but somebody changed it back to the old way. None of the members that play BC2 like playing rush anymore.
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ImmolationMon Dec 13, 2010 4:28 am

DevilDog wrote:

Sonic, and wannaB both changed it the way that the members wanted to play, but somebody changed it back to the old way. None of the members that play BC2 like playing rush anymore.

agreed... I won't be playing the game if the server is only set to rush.
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KreacherMon Dec 13, 2010 7:48 am

the new maps help some but the "every other " game type is fun    (rush/conquest)
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WannaBMon Dec 13, 2010 11:14 pm

Good luck; This is the sole reason why i left the clan. We have loads of members who want it changed from rush but our request simply aren't heard. Sure now that im leaving it will probably be changed.. but being that it takes something as drastic as someone leaving for things to be changed is just crazy to me.

Theres a reason why immo, cobra, devil dog, etc dont play in our server. We would rather play in a server thats playing what we want.... Rush / Conquest mix.

I guess you guys will just have to set up "events" seen how thats all luke wants you guys to do. ( just a recommendation... THEY DONT WANT "EVENTS"..... THEY WANT THE SERVER CHANGED FOR GOOD ... not that it matters, its going to be switched to Vietnam when it comes out anyways and youll just set it up to however you want it.)

Btw, im avoiding you on purpose Luke. You dont want me in the same channel with you as i wont be very Polite and Friendly towards you. You've successfully turned me into someone im not by completely ignoring what your members want. If you dont want me on your TS just let me know, ban me so you can feel like you have that much more power over me. Just a word of advice, when you create a clan ( or inherit it like you did ) its the people who make it what it is, just as any business relies on their customers to make them successful. If you didn't have people like Ladyhawk, Wesley, Spider, Mr.T, Immo, and the many other members i dont have time to write.... this clan would have fallen to shambles a long time ago. As far as im concern they are the ones who run this clan and for that i commend them for the great job they do.
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KarowTue Dec 14, 2010 12:25 am

I will wait a few weeks until after the release and then take the plunge into another BC2 whippen.
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KarowTue Dec 14, 2010 12:28 am

DevilDog wrote:

Sonic, and wannaB both changed it the way that the members wanted to play, but somebody changed it back to the old way. None of the members that play BC2 like playing rush anymore.

Devildog dosen't the server reset to the default config if it crashes.
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DFMhellboyTue Dec 14, 2010 1:14 am

Our clan would never run rush only servers. Rush/Conquest seems to appeal to a broader base we feel. I enjoy and play your Black Ops and W@W servers often but avoid the BC2 servers that limit it to Rush only.  As for WannaB and his thoughts, he irritates me at times but I also feel he is pretty much spot on with the points he made in his post.  Just my 2 cents. Smile
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