Polite & Friendly's


Finally Biting The Video Card Bullet!!

MubbleTue Oct 12, 2010 2:36 pm

Well, I finally decided to take the technological leap that I've been contemplating for several months. I just ordered two EVGA GTX 480 SC display adapters. I'm currently running two three year old EVGA GTX 285 FTW cards - so the upgrade wasn't necessary, but one of those "have to have it" deals. I'll write a review once installed - about 5 days (hopefully). If anyone is interested in a used GTX 285 FTW - let me know.
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CapZacTue Oct 12, 2010 3:11 pm

Must be nice to buy two right out of the gate!
I went with the MSI GTX480 about a month ago. Absolutely love it!  Overclocked core to 800mhz w/o breaking sweat. There's more oc headroom there, just not wanting to push (nor need to) for the time being...Using MSI's Afterburner and Kombuster s/w for overclocking and auto fan control. Have yet to over volt, but have heard of results of 900mhz core from test/review websites.  One of the areas the 480 shines is AF and AA.  I run 8xAA and 16xAF in BFBC2 and didn't affect performance from default settings.
I hear the 480 scales quite nicely in SLI, as you will soon find out.
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WannaBTue Oct 12, 2010 3:26 pm

Ah the 285's in sli run any game without breaking a sweat so your right when you said it wasn't nessary lol

Personally im waiting for Keplar Wink Its suppose to come out in 2 years. ( its replacing Fermi ) With xbox being around for another 4 years PC's wont need to have faster PC's than we do now. Companies just wont spend the time to make games look ever better lol
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wesleyTue Oct 12, 2010 4:11 pm

and I thought I did a nice upgrade to a single gtx 460. atleast the prices on many gpu's have declined.
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MubbleTue Oct 12, 2010 6:01 pm

Well I am fortunate - but being retired I have nothing to do but play games and I dabble in digital photography/art between NASCAR races and select sporting events - so however unnecessary  it might be - I can't wait. I looked at the GTX 460 and the 460 SC - but decided - what the hey - if I'm changing technologies why noy splurge Smile Like I said once I get the new cards the two DTX 285's (one is the SSC version the other the FTW version) will be made available for a bargin.
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BraxisWed Oct 13, 2010 12:27 pm

Hmmm... I may be interested in one of those cards... thinking of running it as a physX card.  one of my friends does this, and in games that support physX, the difference is amazing!

keep me posted, plz.
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NQSonicWed Oct 13, 2010 12:51 pm

Do you have an idea what you want for them? I also could be interested in both if the price is right for my budget and Braxis doesn't want one. (Braxis, first post, first dibs for you)
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MubbleWed Oct 13, 2010 2:50 pm

Well - what a suprise - I opened up my email this morning and found the two GTX 480's are on the FedEx truck to be delivered today!!! If all goes well - I should be up and running by this evening.

A new GTX 285 Classified run $299.99 MSRP - the 285's that I have are running 702MHz vs  675MHz on the current version. I think $130 each is fair.
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WannaBWed Oct 13, 2010 4:17 pm

Ah but thats the classified Wink They have better specs than the regular 285sc and the Ftw edition. The last i saw them go for were around 230 before they dropped off newegg.

Id say $130 shipping included ;P Then its a great deal! ( You gotta remember they are used so the people who buy it wont have the warranty )
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MubbleThu Oct 14, 2010 2:03 pm

Well - they arrived - and I have one installed and running - I ran into a slight problem with the second (SLI) - I ran out of power dongles. Each board takes the equivalant of three of the six pin PCIe  power lines - they provided plenty of the adapters - I just ran out of plugs to connect them to......seems my old friend "Creeping Elegence" has found me again....new 1000W power supply to be delivered today.

I think $130 with buyer paying shipping is fair - you (WannaB) must remember - I paid around $500ea for them . If the buyer wants - I can always request the RMA from EVGA. The lifetime warranty is still in effect as long as I don't delete them from my account - so in a round-about way the buyer still has a warranty. I could just upgrade my other PC - currently running Nvidia 680i motherboard and Geforce 9600GTs - a new mother board with the GTX 285's and I'd have a nice fall back machine .
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BraxisThu Oct 14, 2010 2:19 pm

well, i'm gonna pass for the moment, I just looked at the upcoming games i want that use PhysX, and there aren't any for the next six months, so it is a bit overkill to get one right now.

Sonic, they're all yours m8.

Thanks anyways Mubble!

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MubbleThu Oct 14, 2010 7:59 pm

Both GTX 480's and a new 1000w Corsair P/S providing the juice.....all is good. The 3D is stunning - now to talk my wife into a  55" Sony 3D TV.

The GTX 285's are ready to be packed - PM me for payment and shipping info.
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MubbleFri Oct 15, 2010 4:04 pm

Ready to close it up!

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DELETEDWed Mar 16, 2011 8:29 am

Overclocked core to 800mhz w/o breaking sweat. There's more oc headroom there, just not wanting to push (nor need to) for the time being...
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