Polite & Friendly's


Story of Facebook??? Anyone?

BullThu Sep 30, 2010 5:41 pm

Okay so it's official, starting tomorrow there's a movie about the making of facebook!!! Check out the trailer below! Thoughts anyone?

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BraxisThu Sep 30, 2010 6:42 pm

BIG-TIME WARNINGS!!! the financial backing for this movie came from the brothers who claim that Mark Zuckerberg (the owner of FB) stole their Idea. This is their side of the story, but it is unproven, legally.

I'm not saying don't go see it, I probably will, but take it with a large grain of salt.

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SlaymoreThu Sep 30, 2010 7:55 pm

As with most movies coming out of Hollywood these days, not worth seeing on the big screen... will wait to rent it from RedBox for $1. Smile
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Am3ricaFri Oct 01, 2010 2:00 am

it will probably be another 1 to 2 hours of my life wasted lol. looks good, but i think there are more important issues at hand then who invented facebook that we should be focusing on.
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Am3ricaFri Oct 01, 2010 2:01 am

it will probably be another 1 to 2 hours of my life wasted lol. looks good, but i think there are more important issues at hand then who invented facebook that we should be focusing on.
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BullFri Oct 01, 2010 9:26 am

Yeah, I'm with Braxis on it tho, it's one of those childish "he/she did this" type videos.
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Am3ricaFri Oct 01, 2010 11:05 am

thats what im sayin! im going thro the exact thing with a friend right now its pretty dumb. and as you said Childish.
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