Polite & Friendly's


what up

A8_bkTue Oct 09, 2007 6:34 am

so im finally registered for the new site can someone give me member acces.. also for a lil big news as to where ive been the past 6 months that has taken me all but away from everyone..

As of 4 days ago i recived results that im now a Certified Peace Officer of Ohio.
Now i only need a comminsion on a police force which is in the works to be well..... working a real job.
But yes.. now that the Academy is over and the Taser is something i never have to experience ever agian i will hopefully be on more often.. and do we ever play BF2 or have we moves over to Armed Assualt... im trying to figure out what game i should buy next..... or is something in the future that will take presedence over all the games that are out now? anyways.... look forward to being around more often catch ya all on the flip side.. A8
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LukeTue Oct 09, 2007 1:41 pm

Buy Armed Assualt though theres a update for it thought not in stores but online. Talk to Girm about that he can help you find it.

Great news on being a Peace Officer!! So next time I get pulled over in Ohio for having Michigan Plates can I use your name?

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A8_bkTue Oct 09, 2007 9:35 pm

even with a name in ohio all michgan drivers get citied these time of year lol
going out as we speak to buy the game
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GrimWed Oct 10, 2007 12:06 am

the addon for ArmA needed is

ArmA: Queen's Gambit was released and it is available now from

Sprocketidea.com and many other retailers.
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SpawnWed Oct 10, 2007 1:53 pm

A8! Congrats welcome to the club!!  Let me know if you need anything.  Also for those that haven't been tased, it's like 30 yrs of marriage all wrapped up into five seconds.
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TakeWed Oct 10, 2007 11:08 pm

Congrates A8. Very proud of you that you stuck it out.
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BBDOGThu Oct 11, 2007 9:38 am

Hi A8 welcome back and congratulations on getting through the acadamy dont forget clean your weapon every day and polish the rounds just in case you have to shoot someone you don't want them to get an infection from a dirty round Smile health and safty get every where don't they Sad

good luck in your career

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