Post here if you like Nvidia or Radeon
wesleyTue Aug 24, 2010 11:08 pm
let us know what you like best and why. thanks
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ImmolationTue Aug 24, 2010 11:11 pm
Radeon, because I think it's the best quality for your money, and my card hasn't let me down after 2 years.
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BlackEagle5Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:27 pm
nvidia, i havent had any real problems except for a driver they released cause my video card overheated, thank god i caught it in time before it blowed,it wasnt the cards fault its my fault for not paying attention to what the community were saying about the driver.
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UFANSTue Aug 24, 2010 11:31 pm
I was a Nvidia guy (SLI 8800gtx 256mb) but now I am running the Radeon 5850 and it hands down beat the SLI setup. Going to crossfire when price drops a bit.
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DiggerBazTue Aug 24, 2010 11:38 pm
I have a Radeon ATI 4800 card that seems fine. But then I'm no expert.
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Silent_WolfWed Aug 25, 2010 12:23 am
Im currently running a ATI FirePro V7800. I've run a few nvidia cards and well I think the rendering on ATI is much better. But thats just me.
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WannaBWed Aug 25, 2010 12:47 am
This is going to start a flaming war ^_^
Ive used both and atm there both pretty decent; Ati is plagued with driver issues while nvidia has the heat issues ( iso of a die shrink ;P ).
Currently i'm a nvidia fan waiting for the die shrink fermi's ^_^
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just-dieWed Aug 25, 2010 12:53 am
i`ve had both no problems,i like ati the best you get more bang for the buck
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tetWed Aug 25, 2010 1:16 am
Been using Nvidia cards since I started building computers years ago. This rig is currently using an ATI card though. Price/performance depends on what I purchase.
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ImmolationWed Aug 25, 2010 1:43 am
One problem I've had with ATI is the game company of heroes... all of a sudden my game started crashing on me for no apparent reason, and I believe this to be a video card issue. Runs everything else perfectly fine though.
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SlaymoreWed Aug 25, 2010 2:23 am
I used to be a die-hard nVidia fan... been using ATI lately due to price/performance - the quality seems more iffy as I've had many more returns of ATI product than I ever had with nVidia. On the "soft" side, I absolutely loved the driver installation nVidia driver developers put out... ATI usually requires removing all old drivers and then installing the new ones to prevent driver corruption and/or confusion with older drivers by the O/S. So, having said that I guess you could put me in the nVidia camp.

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PsisahWed Aug 25, 2010 3:01 am
Eh I've used both since long time ago. R.I.P Voodoo 3dfx!
Both have issues with certain games. Some games Nvidia doesn't run well, others ATI doesn't.
I think the 5000 series of ATI are very, very good for price/performance. And the 4000s are even better!
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-N30N-Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:52 am
As of right now I'm running ATI 4850X2. dual core Vid card, with manual fans turned to approx 70%. runs 39c under load and 32c idle.
I used to run nVidia 8800GTS OC'd and after market cooled. ran fune until the update when they released the last update with the newer maps. then I started gettin a little laggin and glitching.. so I upgraded to dual core GPU and Water Cooling..
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Sabotage-NORWed Aug 25, 2010 9:03 am
I have always used nVidia cards. And i think i will stick to it. Never had any prob. with them.
The card i use now , is a N275GTX TWIN FROZR 896mb DDR3.
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TrooperWed Aug 25, 2010 11:08 am
Big fan of nvidia. I to have run ATI and like the nvidia better. My card is not as big as some of the others in here but the Nvidia Geforce GTS 250 does me a great job.
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