Basically if you know anything about gaming you know EVERY thing you see in the game is made up of polygons. These are of course normal shapes we are accustom to ( flat shapes ). To make round objects a lot of different shapes are combined. The problem with this is its rather limited.
There are basically two main companies that promote these polygons.. that's because there cards promote them. You guys might know them better as ATI and Nvidia.
Here recently a company has come up with SOFTWARE that can outperform what Ati and Nvidia have been working to achieve. ( The most realistic scene possible. ) Unlike Ati and Nvidia, this company uses points instead of polygons. Well i know your thinking, Wait? Wouldn't a billion points be more stressful on a graphics card than polygons? Well the makers of this software have put together a couple videos explaining this more in detail.
Unlimited Detail Technology
Basically what this mean to you?
The current games that use polygons are REALLY crummy looking. Instead of walking up to a wall and it having a 8bit image its going to look VERY realistic.
Also the war between Nvidia and Ati? Will prolly continue but not in the way we see them today. As i said before they are both support polygons... if polygons go outdated so will the company ^_^ i wont whose going to jump on the band wagon first?
They are estimating to have a SDK out withing the next year or so.
Just to add to my previous post;
Basically with this new software you can boost graphics performance by roughly 1000% ( Or so they say which they have provided a pretty compelling amount of evidence. )
Btw i did some more research and what you were looking at during the video ( odd looking yes lol ) but it completely blows crysis out the water in terms of graphics. Even more.... That could be running on a Wii

( they have already tested several examples on the wii which have run FLAWLESSLY.... that says A LOT seen how the wii has such a LOW end gfx card in them )
I like it, next question im sure on everyone's minds who is interested, whats going to be the cost?
Well basically with it being "software" im sure either Ati or Nvidia will buy it and help support it. Although if either of which do support it and fund it they prolly wont release anything until 2-3 years from now ( so they can make the rest of the profits off there newest cards especially Nvidia.
What it prolly is going to turn into is either an engine of some kind (like the frostbite or Unreal) for the games. Or if Nvidia takes ahold of it its going to be there new "physx" engine.
The only problem i see is basically there going to have to sell this to all of the game developers. THATS where the price is going to vary to the consumers... hopefully nvidia doesn't try to make profits off of this and stick with gfx cards that support this like they did with the physx.
Do you know (have read or heard) what will happen with older games that are made with the polygones tech when they're going to make the change ???
Hope their future vid cards will support both tech.
This comment was brought to you by : Somebody who dont know nothing about technology...

Well nothing of course ^_^ just like all the past games b4 now lol Sure they make remake a couple of them but other than that nothing.
Hmm well that's hard to say, it all basically depends on who sponsors them first and how much money they are willing to invest it in.
Basically if Nvidia sponsors it, it will pair up with physx perfect in it lets one card be used for the fx while the other does that hard work.
Intersting very interesting. Lets all just wait and see who suppots it and invests in it. I for sure would like to be the guys who developed and designed the system. As they are going to be very very rich in the near future.
Just one point is ......
Whats next if this is what can be produced now.....?????
Holographic 3d games???????
Now that would be interesting....
Well i mean basically the Animated movies we see are about 100times more detailed than our current games. If this makes performance gains around 1000% imagine what could happen if Nvidia made cards specifically for this? We are talking EVEN more of a boost. Let alone a team of Nvidia's guys looking over the coding to see if there was any more performance tweaking that could take place.
This could turn out to be either an epic win or an epic fail we will just have to wait and see if they get funded.
( Btw all the art you see on there page was made by software dev's, ill just put it this way.... WOW they did a good job with what resources that had! )