Am3ricaSun May 16, 2010 12:51 pm
So i wanted to build a complete custom system but i look on craigs list and found these three.
I love this one it will take a little time to make the money but yeah, what do you think?
This one seems like a steal of a deal to me, how bout you guys?
and this one seems really good but i dont know if he is going to sell accessories, what do you think?
So i have contacted all these people and i am just waiting for a reply.
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CapZacSun May 16, 2010 2:10 pm
Hey Wawra. I'm an Intel guy, so can't comment with confidence on AMD processors and mobos. Also a fan of building my own pc, I rather see you invest your money on the best components possible. If you're interested in doing a build, but don't have experience, I would be willing to help (ever over in S.E. Michigan?).
If not interested in any of the above nonsense, then I would choose option 3. To me, the best bang for the buck. You get a very good vid card and windows 7 for much less than purchased new then research the other components and add as necessary.
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Am3ricaSun May 16, 2010 4:25 pm
actually i live in SW Michigan just 30 mins from Kalamazoo or portage, i would love to build my own computer but sadly i dont have the money

but the one for 290 and 150 is more in my money ablitties, but maybe a couple years from now i'll be interested if your still around. 2 probably after i graduate HS im gonna work for a while and do ROTC so will see i'll contact ya then haha, i like to plan ahead if you couldnt tell by now.
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WannaBSun May 16, 2010 5:37 pm
The 150 one is sweet ^_^ heck the 295 is worth more than 150 bucks lol
hmm go ahead and buy it and ill just buy the 295 off you for say 50 bucks?

oh come on thats a third of what you paid for the whole computer! lol jk
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Am3ricaSun May 16, 2010 6:18 pm
haha so go for the 150 one?
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Am3ricaSun May 16, 2010 6:41 pm
well the 290 guy says i can get a downpayment on it and then i got 3 weeks to come up with the money. he wants me to check it out tomorrow around 6.
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GooberSun May 16, 2010 9:02 pm
what parts do you have ? i have a amd 5000 duel core and mb
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WannaBSun May 16, 2010 9:13 pm
the 290 one doesnt list a video card; Thus if you plan to game on it your gonna have to buy one of those...
150 is your best bet if all the parts are still good

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Am3ricaMon May 17, 2010 1:45 am
well the guy for 150 hasnt contacted me and this guy contacted me the day after i contacted him, and i dont really plan on it being a gameing computer, if i do though i can just upgrade later in the years or year
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tetMon May 17, 2010 4:09 pm
I have no experience dealing with craigslist people. I'd be concerned about getting ripped off.
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WannaBMon May 17, 2010 4:19 pm
Well be that as it may be but i agree with tet; sure it may work when you get it but there are always tale tale signs of when a computer is about to have something go out and if the guy whose selling it is anything of a computer builder it doesn't take much to notice these problems.
Honestly in my own opinion i wouldn't buy a used computer; You simply don't know what the previous user did to it. Being that you wont be using it for a gaming computer i would either buy a cheap new computer or save up money over a long time ( i had to wait over 3 years of saving up money to build my rig

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Am3ricaMon May 17, 2010 7:08 pm
well im taking a look at it tomorrow so hopefully i dont spot anything wrong with it. But i just need it as a stand by computer.
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