Polite & Friendly's


SS-Pzg.R.3 vs. BK

1913Fri May 14, 2010 7:02 am

Hello Bad Karma,

SS-Pzg.R.3 would like to request a scrim.

Game: Call of Duty: World at War
Gametype: Domination
Maps: Downfall / Townville2
Nationality: Pzg - German, BK - American
Players: 8vs8 min, 10vs10 max
Server: [SS]PzgR3-Tactical Realism
Time: TBD - (Possible - Saturday, May 29th @ 9pm EST)

Total points for the two maps are added together in the case of a tie.

Our Tactical Rules:

-No Run & Gun: A player is not allowed to run around with no regard for their life, shooting from the hip without any care. Sights must be used at all times with the exception of being spooked in CQC.

-No Grenade Spamming: A player is not allowed to throw grenades unless you see or hear an enemy. In most cases Room Clearing is allowed so long as you enter right after.

-No Bunny Hopping: A player is not allowed to hop to avoid fire or while firing.

-No Running: A player is not allowed to run except to avoid direct fire or explosives. Players are not allowed to run back to the action following respawn.

-No Bad Jumps: A player is not allowed to jump from heights at or above 2 stories: Mostly applying to jumping out of 2nd story windows or higher.

-No Ledging: A player is not allowed to stand, crouch or prone on objects that make them appear to be floating or that would not realistically support them.

-No Glitching: A player is not allowed to use defects in the map or game to their advantage such as accessing unreachable areas via ledging or accessing areas outside of the playable boundary.

Our Info:

Contact via xfire:

Contact via Email:
1913 (at) pzgr3 (dot) com

Name: [SS]PzgR3-Tactical Realism
Game: Call of Duty: World at War
Slots: 20
Mod: BRM (Brothers Realism Mod)
Location: Chicago, USA

Weapon limits: 1 Scope, 1 HMG, 2 SMGs (incl. MP44), 2 Semi Auto Rifles, Unlimited Bolts.
Weapon types are limited to their respective faction.


Hit me up on xfire or email to work out the details.  Let's get something going and I look forward to hearing from you guys.

Thank you.
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LukeFri May 14, 2010 12:32 pm

Thank you for the challenge one of match coordinators will contact you shortly.

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NEMATODEFri May 14, 2010 3:16 pm

I'll get him
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NEMATODEFri May 14, 2010 3:36 pm

Email sent w proposal.
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1913Sat May 15, 2010 7:09 am

We will take a look.

Thank you
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