Need everyones input
Silent_WolfMon May 03, 2010 6:43 pm
So I wanted to replace my keyboard and I've using the Microsoft - Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 which does pretty good for general use, but I need something that can deal with alittle more gaming use. I've looked at the gaming keyboards out there but I wanna hear what you all use so I can see what the masses like. Oh and I use a Logitech Trackman Marble for my mouse which seems to do pretty good for me so far. But any input would be nice.
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WannaBMon May 03, 2010 7:07 pm
I use the Razor Lachesis for my mouse; and Exactmat for my mousepad;
But for the keyboard it all depends on how much you wanna spend on over kill; IE do you REALLY need a screen on your keyboard?
I just use an older OCZ Keyboard called the Elixir II; It does an awesome job! Ive had it for almost 2 years now of hardcore gaming and its basically brand new still!
Of course you'll get keyboards that say " where FASTER than the competition..." well i hate to break it to you but a keyboard only works as well as the user whose using it.

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HeraclasMon May 03, 2010 7:56 pm
i use this

, cuz when my wife throwing things at me ,it's not so bad if she hits the keybord.
and the smell is deterrend for my son , also my comp. is not in danger ,when he goes crazy.
i got it for 10 buck and i sell it for 5 bucks now

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Silent_WolfMon May 03, 2010 8:06 pm
Cool, do you think they have one the comes in black and I so hope it comes with the bottle o f vodka and that bottle of tequila on the right.
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HeraclasMon May 03, 2010 8:19 pm
hehehe whuahaha ,maybe
but back to topic , i thought about it to buy a new keybord too , but the good ones are all to expensive for me.
130 bucks for a keybord ,hmmm not now.
sorry that i couldn't help ya.

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ImmolationMon May 03, 2010 8:52 pm
I use an Ideazon Zboard. A lot of people don't like them, but I find it to be great.
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BraxisMon May 03, 2010 9:21 pm
I have a saitek eclipse 1. Good keyboard, never had a fault with it in 3 years. They now only sell the eclipse 2's which are a bit better, but same basic idea.
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Sabotage-NORMon May 03, 2010 10:05 pm
I use Logitech G15 nr.2. Had it for 2 years now.....workin good.
But theres alot of good gamingboards out it,m8.
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11BulletTue May 04, 2010 1:03 am
I think its a bottle of gin on the right ? I use A razor lycosa keyboard - reason, it lights up and I can shut off the lights and play- Logitech wireless laser mouse. I dislike cords !
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HeraclasTue May 04, 2010 4:57 pm
11Bullet won 100 points and a gummicookie.
pm. ya keyboard + mouse is cool.
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Silent_WolfTue May 04, 2010 8:32 pm
I keep seeing pics of ppls with touch pads on their desks. Are ppl using these to replace using a mouse and if so is this a good replacement?
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UchiMataWed May 05, 2010 7:28 pm
I got a Saitek Pro Gamer a couple of years ago when I started playing seriously on COD4 then WAW. It is still going strong. I have it separate from my stock keyboard as I can't afford it not to work when I'm doing my job <g>. I have a second hand MS Sidewinder, I think an X5.
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