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Fix and Help - Thread

OdiwulfSun Apr 25, 2010 6:24 pm

Hey guys,

yesterday while surfing around the ea forums i found a couple of pretty helpful posts and here they are:

1. Possible Hit Detection Fix (Warning! Only use on your own risk!)                       http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/499371.page

From what i have read there it helps certain people to get their hitbox more accurate. I tested it myself and I at first did not see any differences but than i tried to use shotguns.
Usually I could not hit a sniper sitting still on a rock nor knife it, but ow it seems to work pretty fine, like pre-patch.

2. Turrent Speed Boost/Fix  (Warning! Only use on your own risk!)                 http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showpost.php?p=13997695&postcount=1684

This fix is extremely helpful and does not seem to be a reason to get kicked by PB.

It changes the movement speed of turrents, tank weapons and even helicopter movement (didnt see a too big difference) to the max and gives you the chance to make a 180 degree change rather quickly.

The post is well explained and it takes about 5-10min to change it.

3. Collection of fixes (fpx boost, how to change fov and links to a bunch of others)                             http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/448777.page

Check it out yourself

4.AutoHotkey script: Crouch/Sprint/Aim Toggle                                           http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/421736.page

I did not test this myself because i dont really need it but i figured some people may be interested.

Seems to be working and is updated regulary.

5. Possible Spawn Delay Fix                              original post:                             http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/506493.page#4736965                      

Those who are experiencing stutters or temporary freezing while trying to spawn in BFBC2... the fix is to disable AVG Resident Shield.

Go into AVG >Tools >Advanced Settings >Resident Shield >Uncheck 'Enable Resident Shield'

Apply and close, this will hopefully help many people and i'm posting it on here as i had trouble finding the fix earlier. It happened to me since the new patch and once i disabled the avg, it runs faster than it has before.

(by Forsyth14)

People who expierence this problem but don not run avg seem to have a similar problem with their anti-virus.

It also seems to help if u execpt your Game directory(BFBC2) and MyDocuments/BFBC2 from real time scanning.

Hope i could help a couple of guys

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LukeSun Apr 25, 2010 6:40 pm

Just a warning about using 3rd party fixes for things like hit detection. Well PB dose not kick you for this right now. If it dose ban you from our server there is nothing we can do about it. You will be banned from your servers permanently if PB bans you. We can not change a PB ban. I recommend you DO NOT use 3rd party even if it was posted on a EA form it still is a 3rd party add on to a game and usually ends in a ban by PB after a PB update.

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Nam-RangerSun Apr 25, 2010 8:22 pm

I did this, but I DON'T advise it...it drops your virus protection...Go into AVG >Tools >Advanced Settings >Resident Shield >Uncheck 'Enable Resident Shield'

Apply and close, this will hopefully help many people and i'm posting it on here as i had trouble finding the fix earlier. It happened to me since the new patch and once i disabled the avg, it runs faster than it has before

I removed AVG and in stalled AVAST FREE also....by removing AVG my spawn lag is fixed no delay....with AVAST I still have FREE virus protection.
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WannaBSun Apr 25, 2010 9:53 pm

This is exactly what i said in teamspeak Smile

I did test the top potential fix only to find myself getting killed way to much. It sets your hit detection to one ping. While changing servers your ping will be different IE Chicago compared to Texas. This may help people with extremely stable pings ( IE when you run cmd and -t ping the servers ip and get very stable pings, meaning they dont spike ). This may also help people with higher pings in the fact that it keeps your hit box further away or in front of you.
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