So For those out there with decent graphics cards this is for you! ( Of course you don't HAVE to have an awesome machine to submit your results! )
Id like to see what kind of videocards everyone in the clan are running on! :D
Furmark ( Its an awesome videocard benchmarker that really tests your card to see how well it really performs )
Furmark Download Page Its free to use! Just click the link scroll down a bit and download/install
To compete make sure the following settings are setup
1. Benchmarking
2. No Fullscreen
3. 1280x1024 resolution
Everything should be off by default ( Post FX should be on )
Then click go ( Pretty simple huh? )
It'll run for a bit then it shall tell you your score at the top ( Post screenies if you can! )
The winner will get ... hmm idk perhaps a BK super dupe awesome computer sig banner? lol Id just love to see what kind of scores you guys get!
Id say we could do a 3DMark Vantage competition but not everyone has that and its not free lol
Just did mine! Hope to see a lot more of these soon!

Sounds like fun.
I will check it out when i get home from work.
time based? or frame based?
EDIT: here's my time based one.

Your suppose to add screen shots Ufans! lol
Good scores though

Good to see my little 260 isn't far behind the 5850's

my card is showing its age... and its only a year and a half old!
Hah my card came out June of 08! lol
I mean were talking about a low end card ( after all the 260 was the lowest card at the time ) which is almost 2 year old card keeping up with Ati's newer cards

I didnt get to copy the result that i suppose i did it this way.
Score: 3060 o3Marks
Submitted by Sabotage @ March 15 2010, 9:34 am
App Version: oZone3D.Net_FurMark_v1.8.0_Build_Feb 2 2010_at_10:27:21
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275
Number of Active GPUs: 1
Graphics Drivers: 1-11-2010 - nvoglv32
GPU Temperatures (start/end): not available - Feature of FurMark 1.6.0+
Bench Duration: 60 sec.
Resolution: 1280 x 1024
MSAA samples: 4
Window Mode: windowed
Options: none
CPU: IntelR CoreTM2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz
CPU Speed: 3166 MHz
Operating System: Windows Vista ver.6.0 build 6002 Service Pack 2
Btw. I tested it a few more times, and did get different res. every time . The highest score was 3474. Well,well...the only big thing on this PC is
the Gcard and powersupply

a 400 decrease? its hard to overclock the card up that much let alone for it to drop xD
Lets keep this going guys! Gotta have a good reason to keep coming back to the forums right? lets make it interesting!
Setup Furmark to these settings!
My Results