Polite & Friendly's


I dont want make a big deal of this 2

BigDawgSat Feb 27, 2010 6:46 am

But......... I have been playing on your servers for a long time now. I have to wonder about some players and their ability for some amazing shots. One that come s to mind is omgits50cal , he can go like 30 to 40 kills and  a handful of deaths, never running out of ammo. Shooting areas where if you never move can you see the enitre map but yet he does . One map is the castle  he went 33 and 3 on that. Has anyone ever specd him? It also seems he only gets on certain maps that you can use a sniper rifle on.

Another thing I have noticed is players shooting walls when you cant even see the person. if you spawn in a spot and  dont move or shoot how can they know your there yet here comes a bullit. I have shot walls but only after a team mate has gone down or I am told  someone is there.

Last thing on my mind is the pistol walkers, how is it I cant take one down half the time with a mg but they shoot one round and I am dead,not a head shot just a shot? I cant even do that with my pistol.

I know pb isnt  perfect and hackers do get around that but if I was bk I would qeustion some of the players as diligently as you do the runners.

You still have a great server and I will continue to play here I just need to vent and hopefully you take some of this  to heart, and no this isnt my first go round I have been playing first person shooters since the medal of honor days and I know when hacks are being used and when players are just lucky.

Thank you for your time

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McPainSat Feb 27, 2010 10:24 am

If you see a guy getting a high amount of sniping kills chances are he's got a great sniping spot and he's also a good shot. If you see this drop from the game and spec him yourself, this way you'll at least know what spot he's using for next time. I've found a number of good spots this way.

There is a wall hack out there and I know of one time for sure that someone was using it. BK members spectated him and he was kicked & banned for cheating. It rarely happens though and the above example is the only time I'ver personally seen it on bk servers.

As for the pistol walkers they are a tricky bunch for sure. Still it's allowed and they are not cheating. Also it takes a great deal of practice and skill to be able to do what they do sucessfully. I use to get frustrated because I'd shoot first and before I could kill a pistol waker he'd plug me with just one shot from that .357 and down I'd go. Now I load "double tap" with just about every automatic weapon I have and it seems to work well. Provided I shoot first I can usually bring them down before they can get off a shot. Usually but not always. Hope this helps.
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SinisterSat Feb 27, 2010 10:47 am

Hmmm yesterday I scored 80 and 11...
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OrckSat Feb 27, 2010 2:25 pm

that's because you are sick right now sinister....
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tetSat Feb 27, 2010 5:12 pm

Orck wrote:

that's because you are sick right now sinister....

I was under the impression Sinister was always sick....in the head.
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NEMATODESat Feb 27, 2010 5:42 pm

You'll do better next time Sinister
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BigDawgMon Mar 01, 2010 6:39 pm

McPain wrote:

If you see a guy getting a high amount of sniping kills chances are he's got a great sniping spot and he's also a good shot. If you see this drop from the game and spec him yourself, this way you'll at least know what spot he's using for next time. I've found a number of good spots this way.

There is a wall hack out there and I know of one time for sure that someone was using it. BK members spectated him and he was kicked & banned for cheating. It rarely happens though and the above example is the only time I'ver personally seen it on bk servers.

As for the pistol walkers they are a tricky bunch for sure. Still it's allowed and they are not cheating. Also it takes a great deal of practice and skill to be able to do what they do sucessfully. I use to get frustrated because I'd shoot first and before I could kill a pistol waker he'd plug me with just one shot from that .357 and down I'd go. Now I load "double tap" with just about every automatic weapon I have and it seems to work well. Provided I shoot first I can usually bring them down before they can get off a shot. Usually but not always. Hope this helps.

Good shots I know,good spots a given. I am no slouch there as a few of you know. But when I cant see the shooters and for that matter few others one has to wonder is thier eyes that much better,mine that much worse or could it be something else? Food for thought
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ImmolationMon Mar 01, 2010 6:48 pm

It could boil down to a number of things, from eyesight, to monitor quality, to graphics quality, to reaction time, or it could just be a good spot the person is in.
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targetMon Mar 01, 2010 8:58 pm

people always say they see better, they have a better computer..don't believe it...I have the I7 chip, 1000w power, 6 gig ram, 600.00 vid card..and I still sux..so its not the machine...and punkbuster will not catch everyone..in another server with another clan there was the same thing about cheating, and someone said if they were punkbuster would catch them...it won't..but never call someone a cheat unless you have some screen shots to back it up. I would never want to be called a cheater, and with my score i never will..but I wont call someone a cheater till I see it myself. Remember its only a game..and play with the ones that you have fun with...life is way to short..  see you in game  .........target
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BigDawgMon Mar 01, 2010 10:13 pm

Target, I have been around these games for a long long time,seen alot of things and I know when a cheat is being used.Now that said there is a few new cheats out there that I havent seen of or seen used. I also know when a player is good and when someone is is haveing a good round. I am not calling ANY ONE a cheat just qeustionable. What I am asking for is that bk be a little more dilligent on maybe specing some one that is having such a game and give them a kick if they seem to be mowing the other team down with little to no deaths.If they are legit then they will come and post to say why and please let me play.

I agree it's only a game and I play for  fun, I dont care about winning or loseing or k/d ratios. I do care about a even playing field and I will get very po'd when I dont see that. Alot of my deaths are because of me looking one way and not the other, a bunch of spawn kills, but mostly some very  better players then me. I  can gauge my day by being even or up on some of the non bk members and alot of the  bk members lol
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targetMon Mar 01, 2010 10:43 pm

Big, I know what you mean..thats what i am saying...people can have good games, and bad...but the ones who have great games all the time...come on..no way .i have a great computer..and i can't even see where im getting killed from..so I know what you mean "I am not calling ANY ONE a cheat just qeustionable." I'm just getting back into gaming...lost alot of time after my Dad passed away, just didnt feel like gaming..now that some of the quilt is gone..I'm going to give it a try again...was on a little while ago..went 0 and 4 for the last 2 minutes of a game i joined..lol  but had fun...
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The_Mad_CappRMon Mar 01, 2010 10:52 pm

BK runs their servers as they see fit and don't make catching cheaters via streaming technologies a high priority. BK relies on PB alone and the judgment of admins. They run their servers for fun, not competitiveness and really if you think about it, have few rules. As for suspected cheaters, take it to the admins and they will choose to look at it or not and take the appropriate action based on their own rules. Also there's degrees of cheating, and what I mean by that is, I personally find "wheelbinding" to be cheating and to some it's not because the game "allows" the fire button to be bound to the mouse wheel. Although highly controversial within the gaming community and considered cheating by Anti-Cheat organizations (AON, PBBans and others), wheelbinding is not considered cheating by PunkBuster. The best thing to do is contact the administrative staff and alert them to the suspected problem and let them deal with it on their terms.
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BraxisMon Mar 01, 2010 11:47 pm

another thing to consider, is that the better you have your graphics, the more clutter will be in the way, Obscuring your enemies.  the draw distance is a source of constant amusement to me, as i play predominantly as a sniper.  next time you are on a large map, look from one side to the other, and notice how there is no tall grass in the distance.  then, aim at the same spot, only this time look through your scope. suddenly there is chest high grass there!  as a sniper, it is possible to hit someone without seeing them while scoped, if you could see them unscoped.

Another related thing I have seen done: SOP for some gaming tournaments and clans is to turn your world detail all the way down before playing.  This will delete most of the grass, and make enemies stick out more from the backround.  

So, as you can see, having a better computer can actually be a detriment in some situations.  ...Just offering some alternatives...

BigDawg, I can understand your frustration, but some people just have no life  Rolling Eyes. I hope that your future experiences in our Servers are better.
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The_Mad_CappRTue Mar 02, 2010 12:16 am

Yes, as Braxis says, don't give up because of one bad apple....COD 5 can be tweaked to raise FPS and refine what you see as it were. You can conceivably raise Frame Rates form 90 to 250 with the right tweaks...dependent on equipment. Although I cannot point you to the specific forums post about tweaking COD 5 because it happens to be my forums...just google tweaking COD 5. I am sure you will find console commands to tweak your COD 5.
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OldYellrTue Mar 02, 2010 12:32 am

On Battery while sniping, I can get 37 kills to 1 death pretty much consistantly. But only on that map. :-/ Pistol walking is alot of fun and with the stopping power pert, one shot is all you need even without a head shot. Wink
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