New info on GTX 400's
WannaBFri Feb 26, 2010 5:07 pm
So theres some good news and some bad news ....
The good new is the cards will be shown off in the later parts of march at cebit;
The bad news is several things...
1. Nvidia decided not to give the boards to lower quality brand names basically for one reason; They dont want a lower companies to "sell" there release board's specs off
2. With none of the lower companies getting the board just yet, that means there arent going to be cheap versions of the card for sale....
3. With that being said the prices of the boards on the day of release are going to be horrific; But then again AMD doesn't exactly have cheaper video cards out either....
ugh i thought id be able to buy a decent card and a new hd but at this rate ill have to borrow money to get the card lmfao
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LukeFri Feb 26, 2010 5:13 pm
Nvidia and AMD always holds on to the high end cards and wont give them out to lower end makers until something new comes out. After the new card comes out the old one gets sold at a discount.
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WannaBFri Feb 26, 2010 6:01 pm
Actually that's not true entirely true ^_^
What actually happens is it takes the lower end companies time to figure out how they can make the prices cheaper ( aka cheaper heat-sink , cheaper capacitors etc ) Its sad instead of thinking of ways to make the product better/cheaper they go the cheapest way... which is why i only buy Evga ;)
Although larger companies do get the boards sooner most of the time (largely due to the fact most consumers buy from these), this isn't the case this time.
Sapphire being a lower in card company actually got one of the boards; ( only certain companies didn't get them; specifically companies who also build ATI products )
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