Polite & Friendly's


My BC Experience

Easy7Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:47 pm

Hello Everyone,

You will not see me post too much but I wanted to relate my experiences with BC so far and here goes..... (forgive spelling errors, this font is really small on this laptop monitor and I can't see it clearly)

At first, I did not think I would like the game.  It seemed WAY too fast paced for my tastes, or perhaps it was just the first game.  Regardless, I didn't have that opinion long.  Those of you that know me know that I am not the best player by far, although I do try Smile  I find BC gives me a good opportunity to switch tactics for what I may be in the mood for that day.  I generally like to play a support role because I do recognize my limitations and this game is great for that.  It normally takes me a while to level up so my opinions are based on limited weapon and speciality loadouts so please understand if I'm missing something important Smile  I'll break it down into the four groups and then a general section I guess.

 This is probably my least favorite play style.  I'm just not good at direct assult tactics, although I do love to sneak behind the lines and blow up the objective when no one's looking LOL.  The mix of weaponry is really no different from WaW in my opinion, just a different flavor.  I think having the ability to drop ammo for your teammates though rocks, to me that is way cool.  Just gives it more of a tactical flavor instead of just gunning.

 I think I like this specialist most.  I just love blowing up the enemy's armor Smile  I also like fixing it too, kinda fits my play style a little better as I'm more suited to a support role.  I kinda think that the repairs happen too fast, not sure.  Still have to learn how to shoot down those pesky 'copters though.  I do want to learn how the tracer dart stuff works, hopefully I'm getting close to being able to use that.

 I just started playing this over the last weekend and I love it.  I didn't think I would like this class as I thought it would be boring but it is far from it.  You have to get right on the front lines to really be of any help but your tactics are decidely different as you have to hold back and be available when your comrades fall.  I was the only medic in a push for our squad in one action and we managed to hold off the enemy indefinitely because I was right there keeping it going when they fell.  I really felt like a part of the team and that my actions were vital.  I'll definitely be exploring this specialist more.  I like dropping med packs and reviving fallen comrades and killing foes with the paddles is too funny LOL.

 Sadly, I have not explored this specialist as much as I'd like to.  I didn't know about the sensor objects that you could deploy until a day or so ago and I've been playing with those but don't completely understand how I'm supposed to use them.  The sniper rifle and aspects seem to be pretty much the same as with WaW and I do like the fact that the scope doesn't bounce around like it does in CoD, that just really causes my eyes to go crazy when looking through the scope for a while.  The added aspect of having to allow for drift and leading targets adds realism, IMHO.  

General Play:
 For the one map so far, I really like the game.  The map is very large compared to WaW but they have broken it up into sections so it flows pretty good.  The different armor and vehicles that become available as you play changes the tactics as the 'copters really become a bother if you don't deal with them.  I think once we get our own servers up and apply our style of play to the game, it will be a great game for us all to enjoy.  I am looking forward to the release of the game.  I also want to see what they fix in the patch today! :)

Please feel free to comment or add your thoughts about the game.  

See ya on the battlefield.

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LADYHAWKTue Feb 16, 2010 3:18 pm

I would like to add the ability to pick up other peoples kits and use that exact spec as they did.....
for instance, my fave is the medic (typical mum) and when I fall, a comrad picks up my gun and can then also revive me as has been done many times now....way cool!!!
I agree, I wasnt too worried about gettin hold of the beta key but after playing it for a while, its growing on me Smile
I only have one problem.....WHERES ME BETTY'S??????????
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BraxisTue Feb 16, 2010 3:23 pm

excellent and comprehensive review!

I agree completely with all of your points, and would like to expand a bit on the recon class.  those sensor balls? pitch them like a grenade (i think it's LMB to throw) my favorite thing to do with them is toss them into a bomb sight ahead of me, so that i can see where all the defenders are.  

Another good part of the recon class is the C4, this stuff is amazing!  Besides its building and tank busting abilities, i think it may be the most powerful weapon in the game.  next time someone rushes you with a pistol, pullout you C4, drop one at you feet, and leg it.  With a bit of practice, you can kill in that "pistol-range zone" with ease. Be aware, the range of that stuff it impressive, and always 2 steps farther than you are...
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VipeReXeTue Feb 16, 2010 7:03 pm

Ild LKove to play the game, only they still havnt sent my Key! Grrr lol.....think ill just wait till the release. but i am liking the good feedback so far Wink
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SinisterTue Feb 16, 2010 7:19 pm

Ladyhawk I think I did it to you a couple of times Wink Although not many players do that :/

Anyways good review!!
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Easy7Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:47 am


I would like to add the ability to pick up other peoples kits and use that exact spec as they did.....
for instance, my fave is the medic (typical mum) and when I fall, a comrad picks up my gun and can then also revive me as has been done many times now....way cool!!!
I agree, I wasnt too worried about gettin hold of the beta key but after playing it for a while, its growing on me Smile
I only have one problem.....WHERES ME BETTY'S??????????

Yeah, I totally forgot about picking up someone else's package.  I have not thought about using a medic package to revive them when they die, that's a great idea!  

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