If there are any PC gurus on here.. I was browsing through some magazine articles and came across
an interesting section dealing with i.p adresses/emails and privacy..
I have a really important question i'd like to ask and to see if I could possibly try to set something up
with my system.. unfortunately I have to run out the door like 3 minutes ago... however if there
are any takers interested in having a little discussion please let me know... thanks
hah with the being so "secretively non informative" youd have to be more specific in what your trying to do for us to help ^_^
basically some people do wonders with networks while other guru's doing wonders when putting them together lol :)
Im up for the challenge either way

Software firewalls. They'll show you every ip that's pinging yours, and to what ports. Not really necessary, but if you are curious those work fine.
firewalls work well but having a good router and good anti-virus with a built in firewall you should be good ^_^
If you think you might be getting DOS attacked then that might be up 2 your ISP to solve lol ( yes ive had to go through that whole shenanigans ) lol with it not being illegal in the US .... all they got was the ISP they were with no longer gave them service lol