So basically im looking for a new media player to play my music on :)
The current issue i have now is ipods dont play FLAC audio ( uncompressed music which sounds x100 times better than mp3's ) and i basically have a HUGE collection in this quality so i want it to be able to play it!
I play my music i have through my surround sound system through my computer :P
Can anyone suggest a good music player? the current player ive been looking at is the Cowan A3 because it supports FLAC and can play movies!
Cowan A3
I looking at the 200ish price range and suggestions?
have you tried installing a different firmware on your ipod like
i've never tried this, so it could be a complete disaster but it may be what your looking for
Try going to and checking out their reviews.
Rockbox works wonderfully. If you are looking at iPods and such, I am a personal fan of touch screen devices so for me an iPod Touch would be an obvious answer. Plus, you can mod it so it will play pretty much anything you want. Otherwise, as the guys have pointed out, do some reviews on cnet, and look for one that fits you best.
Well currently i have the ipod video 30gb and its basically in the condition it came out the box in lol; ( i cradle my electronics like there babies ^_^ )
I was more or less trying to see if any of you guys have/use anything different

i mean a review is a review but then again ive seen many products get bad grades when i thought they were awesome!
ill check the rockbox out tonight