If thats the case then your being ROBBED! :O!
Yes yes i love windows 7 and that makes it sounds like one of those stupid MACrap... i mean Mac... commercials...... ugh ...
ANYWAYS back to the point! By default windows 7 sets a couple of your cores to parked to save power ( it was decided to put it in for laptops... why they couldnt just put a "check here if your installing windows7 to a laptop" is beyond me... )
Either way im sure your wanting to know how to fix this! ( it does require use of registry )
Go to Regedit ( click start and type regedit )
- Select Edit and then click Find
- Then paste this key: " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 " into the box
- Within this key, there is a value called: " ValueMax " This value represents the % number of cores the system will park
- Change the value of " ValueMax" to 0 ( from 64 ) so that, it matches " ValueMin "
- You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system.
- To do this just push F3 and it will show the next instance of it
- Do a full shutdown and power-off ( wait for it to complete shut off ( normally by the time the fans stop spinning

Ive been testing this for a couple days to make sure things are dandy

and things look great!
Basically its taking the brakes off your machine

i have windows 7 on my desktop, so what you saying i have a power saving mode on my desktop right now ?