Hey does anyone know if there was an update that they took away the "Bypass login and go to publick games: CLICK HERE" I'm either blind or they took it off. I can't find anything from NOVA LOGIC that would explain where it went to. Makes me sad
I can't remember my account.
Does Anyone have a Team Sabre key they haven't used in a while or they would be willing to give me?
I have 2 or 3 but i'm having trouble finding them since they are in a box. (we just moved) and I was hoping to play a little BHD but as the OP states: they took away the bypass login and go streight to the games option.
I havent played BHD for quite a while so i dont know. And i dont have a CD key anymore.
Hey Swift.. Xomby and I play almost every Fri. and Sat. on DOG or BS servers. Or where ever it is happening
Till all hours of the morning. You should join us
VHB plays AD on Sunday still.
PS< Pinger 6.0 you dont have to login to Nova
I got pinger 6.0, but it won't refresh. It got the list once, and now I can't update the server list so I'm stuck with adding by IP or with the servers I have.
I've been playing with the VHB guys on sunday.