Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard
tetSat Nov 28, 2009 1:55 am
just an FYI,
http://sellout.woot.com/ has the Razer Lycosa Gaming keyboard for $39.99 plus $5 for FedEx ground shipping. I grabbed one of these for myself, hopefully it's a good keyboard.

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CADFatherSat Nov 28, 2009 2:31 am
I'm typing this on one right now, and although it's a great keyboard it didn't help at all with my typing skills. The only things that I have found to complain about with it is the back lighting isn't bright enough, and the keys are really sensitive to touch. And with my big fat fingers I can hit 2 or 3 at a time.
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winemakrSat Nov 28, 2009 2:47 am
It's not bad. The blue lights look good with the blue mouse and the blue fans in my black case. It has a removable front. It comes with a sound and mike cable that plugs into the back of your computer.You can plug your mike,headphones and a zip drive into the back of the keypad. The only problems I had is the blue comes off of the letters over time and it had a sticky feeling on the keys when I first got it. This was for better grip. It seems to have worn off now. I have had mine about a year. The keys seem to be a bit to close together for me, but my hands don't work very well. It's what I use to day and I have other keypads but I stick with it. It matches all my cool blue stuff.
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shizlfzlSat Nov 28, 2009 7:44 am
If you want a good backlit gaming keyboard try the "Saitek Eclipse II" . The laser etched keys have a good feel and the backlight is changeable between 3 colours.Also the lighting has a dimmer control.
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tetSat Nov 28, 2009 4:28 pm
shizlfzl wrote:
If you want a good backlit gaming keyboard try the "Saitek Eclipse II" . The laser etched keys have a good feel and the backlight is changeable between 3 colours.Also the lighting has a dimmer control.
I've been a fan of the G15 since it's first edition. However I don't really use the LCD screen anymore except for checking the time. I'm using an MX5000 bluetooth keyboard on my Ubuntu laptop, I wouldn't game with it, but I like the calculator and thermometer built in. I think the G19 is pretty sweet, but there is no way I am paying over $100 for a keyboard.
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KortuseSun Nov 29, 2009 4:31 pm
Nice keyboard. I myself still use my original G15 keyboard, Love it to no end works great for me.
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HawkeyeMon Jan 25, 2010 11:24 pm
I also have the G-15 (first edition-original) and love It. am going to be sad for the day it dies, but until then, FRAG-ON!!!!!!!!
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PastorDanMon Jan 25, 2010 11:44 pm
I just got a Microsoft Sidewinder. Anyone using it?
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TheDonTue Jan 26, 2010 12:52 am
I have been using the MERC Stealth good backlighting and great for fat fingers. The software for changing setup is really good too.
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DMonicTue Jan 26, 2010 2:57 am
< am also using the original g-15 i love this keyboard. it has served well and hopefully has a couple more years left in it
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ImmolationTue Jan 26, 2010 3:57 am
TheDon wrote:
I have been using the MERC Stealth good backlighting and great for fat fingers. The software for changing setup is really good too.
The merc stealth is nice, I have the same one but without the backlight. Which makes it a non-stealth merc gaming keyboard, and it's also about 50 dollars cheaper.
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