Gaming mouse.
tetThu Nov 26, 2009 9:38 am
Some of us were talking about gaming mice on TS the other day. The Logitech G9 was highly recommended to me, however after doing a little research I have decided on the
Logitech G500. I prefer something similar to the G5, which are apparently impossible to find at a decent price anymore. The G500 fit that description in terms of size. I tend to switch between claw and palm grips on a very regular basis, and the G5 has so far been the best mouse for me to do that. Even that OCZ Behemoth I have didn't exactly feel right for my style of usage. I just now realized how smooth the mouse buttons on my G5 have become over the years. Wonder how a nice rubber mouse button is going to be.
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DiggerBazThu Nov 26, 2009 10:39 am
Nice mouse tet. I use a MS sidewinder gaming mouuse. Its ok but took some getting used to.
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StrandThu Nov 26, 2009 12:17 pm
I'm not really into paying a ton for a mouse, but anyways, I use a mini laptop mouse, the logitech precision point, its small ,light and I play with a very high sensitivy, so high that when my friends try and play they have to decrease it by around 200% for them to just look around. It's also wireless and with two AAA batteries, it lasts for around 4-5 months. I only payed 19.99 for and honestly I'd buy it again if it broke.
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SinisterThu Nov 26, 2009 2:40 pm
Well I have a G9. I am totally satisfied with it. I customized the button settings so I can use photoshop easier- there are 10 buttons that you can use and this is totally awesome. Furthermore you can change weights and the skin (claw/palm). That's all I wanted to say

It's both a great gaming and graphics mouse. You can set profiles for it and change them accordingly to what you're planning to do.
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Nam-RangerThu Nov 26, 2009 6:18 pm
I use the logitech 518 m? it has 8 buttons some gaming mouse have only 3, those are unless to me with only one hand that works. I set my bottons to attack,reload,crouch (A BUNCH),jump,move foward, wheel set for go prone, iron sighting.
PS THIS MY SECOND ONE...................

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CADFatherThu Nov 26, 2009 8:54 pm
I too can only play with one hand, the other is still paralyzed from a stroke that I had in 2006, it works but only in the crudest of motions no real motor control. I'm using a Razer Lachesis and really like it. I've got it customized to allow me to be able to shoot, move and communicate, the three basic fundamentals of surviving combat.
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R_OReillyFri Nov 27, 2009 3:43 am
I had the Logitech MX510, then the MX518 and now the G5 (with the extra buttons like the MX518) and I've liked them all. I think the MX518 was probably my favorite. Still selling on newegg for $39.99. Next one will probably be the G500, don't like the shape of the G9.
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