Check the blog
ImmolationWed Oct 28, 2009 2:32 pm
BK's blog says that today is the last day to say whether or not BK should move into BC2... and it says to let your voice be heard. So I for one, say we should move into the game. It's a great team based game, a lot more slow paced than CoD, and it has sweet vehicles that are amazingly fun to drive/fly. I look at it as the perfect game for this clan... based on what the clan's principles are. And yes, I agree we should keep our WaW servers for a while as well. Moving into a new game doesn't mean we have to stop playing the old one. We could simply start out with one server in 1943, and see how that goes.
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just-dieWed Oct 28, 2009 4:10 pm
i agree, just wish i could play the demo frist
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ImmolationWed Oct 28, 2009 4:11 pm
We'll have to wait and see if there will be one. The game doesn't come out until next March.
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StrandWed Oct 28, 2009 4:53 pm
I'm sure there will be a demo, there was one for Battlefleld 2142 and also for Battlefield 2
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