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Official IW response to dedicated servers

SheepyTue Oct 20, 2009 8:06 pm


Modern Warfare fansite bashandslash.com recently reported that Infinity Ward is removing dedicated server functionality from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. With dedicated servers and the server browser that comes with them replaced with custom-built matchmaking, PC gamers will have an online experience functionally identical to console players. Among other things, this means that clans can't run their own servers with their own mods and rulesets for their own private (or public, if they feel like crushing some scrubs for giggles) use.

Predictably, nerds across world took to the Internet with a wailing and a gnashing of teeth that would make the Left 4 Dead community proud. An online petition to bring back dedicated servers at the time of this writing stands at 100,000+ signatures. However -- and this may shock some gamers with advanced persecution complexes -- this move was not made to tweak the noses of the PC community. Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella explain the decision as a conscious effort to improve their game for the vast majority of their players.

"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," says West. He points toward the mounting feedback IW has received from PC fans of Modern Warfare who couldn't find a decent server to play on between all of the cheaters, the insular communities, and huge skill level disparities that the original game's community fractured into. "We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game," he laughs.

IW says that gameplay concerns for the majority of MW2 players are the overriding reasons for the decision. Zampella downplays the obvious piracy prevention angle (IW has cited numbers of people online playing illegal copies of Modern Warfare up to 60 percent). "The Steam stuff helps with the piracy. I don't know that the matchmaking stuff does," he notes. West takes a shot at the motives behind some of the outrage, noting that there's money to made by selling dedicates servers and adspace on them: "It's a little dubious. Some of the people complaining are complaining with their pocketbook."

Again and again during our conversation, West and Zampella hammer the point that hardcore PC players lose very little to this change relative to the returns that casual to moderate fans will see. Clans can set up private matches to do their training or what have you; all they lose is the ability to customize the game on a deeper level with mods and such. Infinity Ward sees the addition of solid matchmaking and community support like IW-run tournaments to the PC as a huge win, and not something that could be done under the old system.

Why not have both? West does not want to include dedicated servers alongside the custom-built backend, stating that it would just "bifurcate the community."
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SheepyTue Oct 20, 2009 8:07 pm

Bifurcate means to split into two branches.... I had to look it up  Rolling Eyes
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NonameTue Oct 20, 2009 8:34 pm

After reading this, is seems like it could work with the private server, except one thing. How is the private server set up, do you have to have a password? Do you send out friends request? The problem I see, is new recruits, how does the general public get into a private server, I would assume they don't. So you recruiting is limited to us going out to public servers trying to find recruits, which will be a difficult task. Everybody needs to check out the IW forums, the PC community is really hitting them hard, there is a petition in there that has well over 100,000 signatures.
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ImmolationTue Oct 20, 2009 9:00 pm

Infinity Ward fails.
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LukeTue Oct 20, 2009 9:32 pm

This moves still kills clans and teams. With out the ability to recruit and advertise with public servers we can not survive long in a game like this.

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LukeTue Oct 20, 2009 9:33 pm

Just to be clear there  are NO server list this means no way for non BK to find our privet server.

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J_MarleyTue Oct 20, 2009 9:38 pm

Well they still have friends and can join that way. So what if someone that has an extra computer just leaves the game up with one profile that we broadcast in WaW and then people can add that player and always use them to connect to our server? I no that's not nearly as ideal as having our own server people can search for, but it is a possibility.
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ImmolationTue Oct 20, 2009 9:41 pm

Private servers run off of someone's pc also crash 24/7. And are unbelievably laggy. MW2 doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
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J_MarleyTue Oct 20, 2009 9:47 pm

Where does it say that private servers are run off of a person's computer? Does anyone remember Diablo2 and .Battlenet? what was the concept there? From what I remember there were 3 Gateway servers that you could connect to run by the company that made Diablo2. Within those gateways you could create your own game that other people could join. Yes, they did have the ability to scroll through and look for a server, but it was still all run through the company that made the game.
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LukeTue Oct 20, 2009 9:49 pm

I believe that you have to approve everyone who wants to be your friend in MW2 like W@W. This means who ever s computer it is will have to shut down the server go add everyone as a friend and put it back up. Also there will be no admins if he person who owns that computer is not on it. I'm very saddened to say this but there is no good way for clans/teams to support this game.
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J_MarleyTue Oct 20, 2009 9:52 pm

With the new update in WaW they fixed the issue about having to leave the game to add and manage friends. You can now do this while playing in a game. I assume this will be the same with the release of the new game as well.
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ImmolationTue Oct 20, 2009 9:55 pm

IW.Net is a completely different system than what is used in Treyarch's W@W. I do not think they would carry anything over from that game.
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