[OSK] (One Shot Killers) are up for a friendly scrim with BK. We are a like minded clan and are looking for fun. I saw a posting in codmaps.com for scrims. We currently run 3 COD5 servers and use Ventrilo.
Here is our info...
Ventrilo: vent26.gameservers.com, Port:4252
Looking forward to hearing from you
Contact made.
I see your post. Looking forward to getting something put together
I will ask [OSK] for dates and times. Looking at your calendar it looks like you guys might be open for October 18th or 25th? Let me know if that works for you.
Greetings OSK-Draco-,
If you would be so kind as to email me at
jjd [at] panix [dot] com with an email address I can contact you and we can
set something up.