Polite & Friendly's


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - The Callsign Editor

LukeFri Oct 02, 2009 6:55 pm

Modern Warfare 2 is set to unleash a new slew of new content for Call of Duty fans on 11.10.09, and while I've now had a chance to go hands-on with the game at Activision's multiplayer event, there's still plenty of online content left to dive into -- especially on the customization and create-a-class front. While the focus of our first major hands-on was all about the gameplay -- how the guns felt, what the maps were like, and the general mechanics of multiplayer play in Modern Warfare 2 -- I figured it was high time to take an even deeper dive into what we know about the character creation process; more specifically, the callsign system.

The original COD4 allowed for clan tagging, but outside of the simple four letter space, players didn't have much customization to go off of outside of their Xbox Live name, rank, and icon. I personally logged over 12 days on the game clock to get my gold cross -- and still play today -- but when it comes to in-game action I look just like every other schmuck out there with a full-prestige account.
Click above to see Infinity Ward's presentation on the new callsign system.

That's where the callsign system comes in, and while we saw a bit of it at the multiplayer event, I found in my interweb lurking that there aren't too many people talking about just how large of an offering this system truly is. So with that, let's take a deeper look into it all.

Read more here: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/103/1030704p1.html

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StrandFri Oct 02, 2009 7:25 pm

I hope to god they have hardcore mode with that junk disabled.

This game is shaping up to be a really awesome arcade type fps, but I'm pretty worried on the hardcore, tactical, and realism side of things that so many gamers enjoy.

I wish the created a realism side of Call of Duty, there has been a big following since my days playing CoD United Offense but with IW's persistence to make the game ranked and not allow mods on ranked servers the realism community is dieing.

This is how I think it should be structured using all the specs from WRM (Wolfbane's Realism Mod) mod from COD, and COD2

The mod contains the following optional features:

- No crosshairs
- No HUD
- Realistic damage effects, including bleeding, stance and speed
restrictions based on wounds, falling prone with significant
damage, dropping weapon on hand or arm hits, and realistic fall
- Realistic weapon settings for improved accuracy and damage
- “Use” key menu system for many player-controlled options such
- Bandaging to stop bleeding
- Glance at your HUD and check ammo
- Clearing weapon jams
- Surrender or demand the enemy to surrender
- Give ammo or bandages to another player
- Turn FPS and Lag meter on or off
- Fully customizable weapon limiter
- Multiple map rotations based on number of players
- Spawn protection
- Force AFK players to spectator mode
- Removed obituaries
- Warnings to Unknown Soldiers and UnnamedPlayers to change their
- Team-kill warnings and enforcement
- One primary weapon limitation (anti-tank weapons may be allowed
as secondary weapons)
- No respawn with captured weapons
- No respawn with anti-tank weapons
- Customizable ammo distributions
- Clan versus non-clan mode
- Clan-only voting
- Player interactive round-start delay, free-moving or with players
locked in place.
- Rotating server messages
- Mortar effects
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