Don't know if any fellow BK'ers are comic book junkies like me but, Wildstorm Comics (a division of DC) is releasing a tie-in comic to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. The plot will tie into the single-player story line and reveal the back history of one of the characters. It's street date will coincide with the games release date. I'll be picking it up and will write a short review when it comes out for anyone interested. Bellow is the promo art. Follow the link for more info.
Its been a long time since I have read a comic book but looks interesting.
yea i stumbled over that the other day, definitely looks cool, at least from the few pictures I seen.
I'm only a little bit of a comic junkie, but it sure does look nice
This Months Previews lists Issue #2 to ship in December 8th So I would guess that Issue # 1 will ship in early November. It's shipping under the Wildstorm Imprint so you might have to go to an actual Comic Book Shop to pick it up since it's likely not to be on the news stands.