Polite & Friendly's


Bad Karma / ccc-clan modded server is born

blackyMon Apr 14, 2008 10:12 pm

Hi alll

with some delay the second server is running (modded)
we are running the acemod
for more details ask grim about it all

please have bit more patients we only need to fix the redirect for downloading the maps and server is ready for public (now download takes for ever)
we are looking for website to use as download url  (ccc-clan website has limitid bandwith use so it is not a option)
so all sudjestions are welcome

we hope to have a solution for this by this weekend

cya blacky
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blackyMon Apr 14, 2008 10:16 pm

sorry for double post not all can acces the members only section Razz Razz Razz

this is the reasons why we go with ACE mod (Additional Combat Effects)

1) it dont crashes our main server not like the other beta linux mods
2 features of ACE mod

Most features below have various options and settings in itself:

- Ranking
- Add server to favourites menu button
- 5 Mapvote
- Body search
- Ambient fx control
- Extended obituaries
- UAV, airstrike, chopper killstreak control
- Nade dropping
- Pain and Death sounds
- Name checker
- Unknown soldier/ Unnamed Player Handling
- Zeroy's NighMod
- Random map rotation
- Map rotate if empty
- Bodysink
- Admin punishment control (more will be added to this)(i like this one hehehehehe)
- Weapon drop on arm/handhit, trip on leg/foot hit
- No enemyfiring compass-blip
- First blood announcement
- Head shot anouncement
- Health pack drop/pickup
- Anti camping with several punishments
- Clan text logo
- Clan Hud Image logo
- Working bots for testing
- Firstaid system
- Player bleeding
- Option to set sv_fps to 20, 25 or 30 (needs testing)
- Weapon damage modifiers
- Grenade indicators on or off
- Crosshairs on or of
- Redcrosshairs on or off
- Enemy names on or off
- Deathicons on or off
- Mantlehints on or off
- Objective pointers on or off
- Hiticon on or off + additional settings
- Falldamage moddifiers
- Jump height moddifier
- Prematch movement on or off
- Healthbar
- Option to turn on or off turrets
- Spawnprotection
- Invisible spawn
- Vote menu delay/limiter
- Welcome messages
- Server messages
- Teambalance msg on or off
- Rangefinder
- Laserdot
- Live stats

- Prolly a few i forgot

Custom gametypes

here you go thats why we dicided to go with this one
cya all online guys
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DestroyerTue Apr 15, 2008 5:50 am

SOUNDS FREAKING AWESOME!  Also now we can have spawn armor!  And all that other cool stuff.  Great job Black.
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GrimTue Apr 15, 2008 8:26 am

as always our frends at ccc have come through with there assistance at helping BK

this looks like a great mod

i hope all at BK apreciate what ccc are doing to help Bk

blacky i will have more info for you shortly about a possable location for site downloads of the maps ie a redirect for the server
im pretty shure we can use our site but will need to comfirm this

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DakorTue Apr 15, 2008 12:36 pm

sounds great, cant wait to try it.
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Rob_Da_PimpTue Apr 15, 2008 2:47 pm

yer sounds WICKED!!!! im looking forward to it very much!!

THXS MR BLACK Very HappyVery Happy

cya all
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mr-tTue Apr 15, 2008 5:54 pm

excellent blacky we are extremely greatful for what you have done for BK and some custom maps should be done soon
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