Polite & Friendly's


KDR to ponder

OldYellrTue Sep 01, 2009 2:21 am

Here is my question:

Is it better to get a positive KDR with a lot of kills with a lot of death? Ex: 40 kills, 30 deaths.


Is it better to get a positive KDR with few kills and minimal deaths? Ex: 11 kilks, 1 death.

If this is a true ratio I would say the later would be better but I see a lot of BK players with high kills along with high number of deaths.

I am just curious on what we as a clan value more.
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LukeTue Sep 01, 2009 2:32 am

The question is do you want to rank up? Or get ready for a match? If you are thinking of matches the best is the 11 to 1. Though if all you want to do is get higher rank so you can get nice weapons then the best is to get as many kills as you can.

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StrandTue Sep 01, 2009 2:33 am

I would say the better the KDR is the better the player.

For example:

Player 1: 50 kills 40 deaths (1.5 kills per death)
Player 2: 13 kills 2 deaths (6.5 kills per death)
player 3: 40 kills 10 deaths (4 kills per death)

I would rank them
1) player 2
2) player 3
3) player 1

Anyways, this is just my opinion,  and I strive to be either player 2 or player 3, if your player 1 you might get 50 kills but you also gave your time a big hit by dieing so much. I usually have a 3/1 or a 4/1 kdr.
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FreyTue Sep 01, 2009 3:11 am

I personally don't really appreciate the camping.  I don't have the patience for it and move quite a bit.  If I were concerned with KDR I'd camp a spot and pick people off, however, I bore of this quickly and don't really see the value in this for the map.  An example of why I believe this is if you are a server where noone moves and camps one spot.  There's hardly going to be anything going on, on the other hand, if you have a server where everyone is moving there is much more action.
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NEMATODETue Sep 01, 2009 3:18 am

Back to the sniper thread. A question that will live thru the ages.
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StrandTue Sep 01, 2009 3:36 am

High kdrs dont always correlate to camping, there is only one map is camp with a sniper rifle, every other map I use the STG and do laps around the map, I just have a good awareness of where people like to be, esspecially after playing with certain players, i tend to understand there tendencies.
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OrckTue Sep 01, 2009 3:42 am

Durrty that's a good example, but I think you might agree with me that getting a 40-10 is probably better than the 13-2. A lot of times you can start off a map really good and even go 15-0 sometimes right off the bat, but to hold unto a 4 kdr over a long period like 40 kills is something good. Although I see your reasoning behind the 13-2 if he could keep up his kdr till he reaches 40 or so. I know your game play too and you are very much the 40-10 player over a long period Very Happy
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DiZasturTue Sep 01, 2009 5:28 am

I'm with Frey on that one. I enjoy a more mobile play style in regular games, though matches tend to be more static if defending positions.

A lot depends on what weapon you prefer too. I find I die a lot less and get more kills with an FG 42 than with my beloved Mauser. I prefer the challenge of playing with iron sight bolt more though so care less abou the number of kills or deaths. In a match I'll use whatever weapon is best for my role on each map.
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StrandTue Sep 01, 2009 2:09 pm

I mobile play might be fun, but sitting in a nest with a sniper being able to pick of 50 people to me is equally fun, by then they know where you are and it comes down to who has the quicker finger and how to anticipate where they will try and come from, two thing I am good at.
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jarec007Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:34 pm

I think the if you are having fun what does it matter.  There is a time to sit back and pick people off and a time to advance.  I have a game plan on each map and adjust it in-game if I get bored or need a rest.  I would like to see more squads in game and more communication with team members.
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OldYellrTue Sep 01, 2009 4:42 pm

I always try to get as many kills as possible and dying as little as possibe. This creates a situation were a player becomes more conservative and their game play. However, in Team Death matches points are only give for kills and you are not penalized for deaths. The first team to reach 2500 pts automatically wins. In this situation a plyer should be more aggressive to gain pts.

Some how we need to pair up the campers and aggressors to work together. We have a tendency to play/work with like minded people.

I tend to be a camper on medium to large maps but aggressive in small maps.

The point I was making by posting the question was to get the overriding philosophy of BK as a clan and how we vialue KDRs.
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OrckTue Sep 01, 2009 6:05 pm

Well then I guess General Luke answered it. We don't really have a philosophy as a clan, except when in a match, we are playing to win. In a regular game we are here to have fun.
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