Polite & Friendly's


Response and complaint of Soro

TracerThu Jul 30, 2009 6:08 am

Let me start by saying I enjoy your servers very much. You have a great group of guys and I would like to point out Frey as a true asset to your clan.  Now on to my real issue. Soro. I had an issue this evening where he decided to Blind tube from across the map (new map with bridge) and kill 5 right out of the spawn. Now every other tactical server I have been on has 2 rules that apply. 1: no blind tubes. You must have a viable target. 2: no spawn killing (raping) of any kind. I even argued this with Soro. But it appears I was wrong when dealing with your servers. I was wrong when speaking with Soro and admit my mistake. But in light of his previous post about tactical servers I find he has tried to imply he is tactical. He laughed at the fact that he shot the blind nade. How is this blind nade to a spawn tactical? Quite plainly it is not. Soro thought is was just some laughable offense he "likes to do at the beginning of a map". His previous post is very irksome from someone who is not tactical in his play with tubes. I only ask that you review your rules to see if allowing blind nades across a map as tactical and if you feel allowing spawn raping on your server as an allowable type of play. I mean no disrespect to you or your server. I would only like to see such run and gun tactics removed or changed as a violation to Tactical rules. If you take a poll of your regulars they would agree with me concerning my afore mentioned rules.

Thank you for your time and patience in this matter.

With regards,

John D
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SoroThu Jul 30, 2009 6:17 am

Man, I started to make success here. First post I complain than someone complain against me..

Ok, lets start talking about your complain:

1 - I agree that TUBES are not well seeing in a tactical server. I was one that in the past complaint against them.

2 - Yes, sometimes I use it, just for fun. Smiley, Mega, and others use it a lot, so why not to join to the team once in while?

3 - Yes, I use the tube target to somewhere near the enemy base (in fact iI rarely do this, and very rarely I do the right). I don't know if that  there is a rule against it. Many time I see people doing that, and I was victim from that some times.

4 - Yes, I use it today, few time ago, and I had luck, and it was too fun: 9 kills in a row.

So, if there is a rule against this, sorry, I didn't know. I talk to you that you were being too boring and provocative, and you were taking that too serious and I don't retire what I said, because that is what I think.

I don't see the need to get so angry and to cause so much stress due so little thing, but you are in your rights, and the admins must to study this case.

Hope we not become enemies because that Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Just in case you be in my team!
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TracerThu Jul 30, 2009 6:26 am

Soro, please understand I hold no malice or grudge. As I said, by their rules I was wrong in correcting you on the blind tube and the spawn kills. However, it does not change the fact that you have argued an issue that you now think is funny. I am like you. This is my time to unwind from a long day. But I play tactical servers for a reason. I like the rules and enjoy the challenge. I to stand by what I said. Blind tubes into spawns is wrong. This is why I don't spend anytime on my clans servers. As for BK's response I hope they take what I have said as nothing more then constructive criticism and I mean them no disrespect.

With sincerity and respect,

John D
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BolerroThu Jul 30, 2009 6:44 am

As a BK member, I do not blind rocket nade the spawn at the beginning of the match. That is a clan rule of sorts and just a polite & friendly thing to do as it is not fair to just launch when people haven't had time to clear out.

As for a rule on it, I am not aware of any rule for non-BK members. It would be a difficult rule to enforce since we get so many new players on our servers and honestly, very few players ever do that since most players know about fair play and that its a cheap shot.
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FreyThu Jul 30, 2009 6:54 am

Ok, please drop it there.  No need to argue the point back and forth.  Doesn't get any of us anywhere.  I'm sure the upper echelon will be looking into this and will make a decision, if there truly is one to be made, quickly.  I appreciate that both of you enjoy are servers.  It's the players that make the server and you both enhance ours.  Also, thank you for the kind words.  It's appreciated.   Keep in mind, one of the reasons our servers are "polite and friendly" is to keep the servers as a great place to unwind.  I personally look at things like this..if something is happening on the servers that irritates me like crazy but it's not against the rules.  I either sit that map out and spec, sometimes I learn something this way, or I just take as much satisfaction I can each time I kill that person or those people.   Twisted Evil   Tracer, thank you for admitting the mistake here and apologizing.  I don't know what was said on the server so I'm not going to comment.  Just want to remind everyone that it is a rule to be respectful of other players.  Regardless what you feel about their opinion.  Hope to see you both on the battlefield and hopefully in my sights, not the other way around!
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