Polite & Friendly's


PlayClaw & Latency?

AstroDadWed Jul 29, 2009 4:33 pm

Ladies & Gents,

Since installing PlayClaw I am having a bunch of packet loss on the servers. Anyone have any setting changes they can suggest to lesson the PL? Anyone else suffer from this? It could be coincidence....but I have not had a PL problem before.


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wesleyWed Jul 29, 2009 5:31 pm

The obvious initial question would be: Have you rebooted your modem and router?

I haven't heard of anyone saying Playclaw caused any problems.

When I have a problem I generally just use a search engine such as Google and the answer is almost always out there.

do you have a gigabit network card? they work so much better than the old 10/100 style.

Let me know what you figure out.
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OrckWed Jul 29, 2009 5:42 pm

no problems here Astrodad
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BullittWed Jul 29, 2009 7:10 pm

I have not had any latency issues since installing.  Playclaw is not supposed to use internet resources.  It displays information.  Like Wesly said do a modem, router computer reboot.

Let us know how it turns out.  I have worked with the developer on another issue and he would like the feedback.
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AstroDadThu Jul 30, 2009 7:44 pm

I thought I had figured out the latency issue last night. It looked as if Steam was loaded in the background (32bit) on my Windows 7 64bit machine. It does not show the icon for steam. I think it was updating files while I was playing resulting in latency. After killing the process the latency went away for about 30 minutes and then started up again.

It is strange, I have never had latency issues on the servers, or in the game so I am unsure of what to do next. I have - restarted the router and cable modem, de-fragmented  the drive, tried to set my NIC speed to auto-negotiate and 100MB Full Duplex, updated my video and NIC drivers, looked for rogue processes and killed any tasks that could be killed etc. I am a technical guy, so if anyone has any ideas on what to try next let me know. I was even considering getting one of those K1 NIC cards but I have read mixed reviews.

Thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated.


Bernard aka AstroDad
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BolerroThu Jul 30, 2009 9:36 pm


I went through about a month of latency issues and getting kicked from the game regularly. I think we discussed this a bit in teamspeak. I went through 2 new modems from my cable provider, 2 new wireless routers and continued to have the problem. It turned out to be my wireless PCI card. If I remember right, you said you were directly connected to a router so at least that is one part of the equation you don't have to deal with.

My suggestion if you have not already tried is this. Connect your computer directly to your cable/dsl modem and bypass the router (if you have one). This will narrow things down to either your service provider or your computer.

If the issue continues, here is something you can do in Windows 7 to help elleviate ping/latency issues. Go into your Network and Sharing Center. In here on the left, click on "Change Advanced Sharing Settings". In this new window, Turn Off Network Discovery.  Network Discovery pings your network about every 5 minutes or so to find out what other computers are in your network. This can cause latency.

If that doesn't help and its been a while since you got a new modem from your cable/dsl provider, I would suggest contacting them and explain you are having latency issues and would like to trade out your modem for a new one. Comcast is really good about trading out equipment for people trying to resolve issues. So hopefully your provider does throw a fit about exchanging equipment.

Hope this helps.
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MlgaBeanThu Jul 30, 2009 9:56 pm

you might want to try port forwarding your router. the ports i believe are these.
Application: CODWAW External port: 20800 Internal port: 20800 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODWAW1 External port: 20810 Internal port: 20810 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODWAW2 Port range: 28960 - 28970 Protocol: UDP

that might help. if you don't know how to port forward look it up on google. don't know if this will help as i have not done this because i have not had the problem.

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SinisterSun Aug 02, 2009 12:13 am

problem with PL sounds really bad mate... especially when you consider the fact that PL stands for Poland Very Happy
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tetWed May 21, 2014 12:04 pm

harini wrote:

AstroDad wrote:

Ladies & Gents,

Since installing PlayClaw I am having a bunch of packet loss on the servers. Anyone have any setting changes they can suggest to lesson the PL? Anyone else suffer from this? It could be coincidence....but I have not had a PL problem before.



If you have high packet loss means definitely you have a high ping value.
Reasons for getting high ping value.
1.High ping is when there is high traffic in your system.
2.This can be either caused by loading such large files that the system cannot handle them, or by running several programs at the same time.
3.High ping is not just due to the bad internet connection. video lag, sound lag, virus, spyware, worms, or so on, could cause the high ping. not enough Ram could cause the problem too.
If you get any high ping ,try to lower your ping rate by using some of the following instructions.
1.Don't open any videos,stream and check if there any problem in your router.
2.Make sure there's no browser .exe's still running in task manager
3.Try to contact your internet service provider and get suitable data plan.
4.Use any software like Game Booster
5.Move closer to server
I am sure,if you follow the rules,you will get chance to reduce your ping rate.Finally you can check your new ping using
WhoisXY.com   By reducing your ping value,you will get a chance to avoid Packet loss on your game server.

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