Polite & Friendly's


A word from That Krinkle guy

MrKrinkleWed Feb 22, 2023 2:41 am

Just a reminder to all BK Members that getting the X-bow early like this is not allowed and may lead to you getting kicked out of BK.! The x-bow still has 7 days before the last 2 challenges are unlocked, and if i see anyone in game i will be reporting it in game for cheating, and i have already done so, twice now. I encourage everyone to report them as well.
Also i would like to point out that Activision really needs to shut this down because all weapons inc. the ones exclusively available in the shop, and they could tens of thousands through this Glitch/cheat.

Rule: Never cheat, glitch, crack or engage in cheat, glitch, crack related chat. Anyone BK member trainee or full suspecting player of cheating you should contact an admin as soon as possible and also when have sufficent eviedence the back up thier claimtheir CO immediately or a member of the senior officer staff. Accusations of cheating should always be accompanied by evidence, documents if possible.

Oh and i am sure that our Members would never do this anyway, i am just putting this out there for all to see that BK has a firm stand on all types of activity that gains an unfair advantage.

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MaxwellSmartWed Feb 22, 2023 11:29 am

 Well said MrKrinkle
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JohnnyWed Feb 22, 2023 8:57 pm

This will not get you kicked out of BK period. Your post is your opinion. We no longer have servers so that would mean it would just be frowned apron. But Game On!
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Snap71Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:44 pm

Hmmm, I agree with MrKrinkle that a BK member ought not to be getting the weapon unless earned. May not be a cheat but it is IMO unethical. But since no one has done it and in chatting no one wants to do it, in some cases no one wants to use the thing in game LOL! And in many cases no one wants the grind of doing the challenges anyway - see the use words above. So seems a bit moot but a good topic none the less. Let’s not get emotion on a non issue is my recommendation. BTW I report them too. 🙂
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