Polite & Friendly's


My review of the MW2 (Beta)

mr-tSat Sep 24, 2022 7:44 pm

this is not in any particular order

Ok, first I think the footstep audio is very good at depicting the location of a player but is way to loud and unrealistic in respect to hearing footstep of a player on the other side of a wall as if they are right next to you and even if they are right next to you it so loud it reminds me of someone stamping their feet in a empty hardwood floor room.

game crashes, now this for me happens more often when a map is loading and i'm in a party but not exclusively hopefully this is resolved before launch

only been able to play core rather than hardcore can be annoying in the sense time to kill is longer and more bullets are required, the number of times i have started shooting someone in the back for them to turn around and kill me because their either had a more powerful weapon or managed to land a headshot

character movement animations, i've seen some "funky" move that the enemy character has done like weird leans and shooting

inconsistency in traversal of maps, i have found that some ledges seem to auto grab others i have to press jump again to grab and finally some ledges that are the same height or lower are not even grab-able at all, why i have no idea. climbing object i have a few incidence where i can climb a box, wall, vehicle from one side but not another.

destruction, unfortunately i think the level of destruction seems to less than vanguard, i seems like the only really thing that was designed to break was glass, i thought i noticed boxes breaking but after going and trying to break them i had not look.

bugs and glitches, so i have not experience any of these myself but have seen and heard of them, no smoke while scoped, stuck in animation, error message on screen while playing, and a couple more.

bug i have experienced, latency issues - started finishing move on a player just before the actual kill the player teleports and shoots me (i do think this is a lag issue rather than a cheat) not sure which end had the issue because when i have had lag spikes it rubber bands me back and in these situations i didn't get rubber banded or a warning of packet loss etc.
bullet sponges - not sure if this is a bug or what but most players go down with a around 5 bullets but other have taken 10 - 15 (might be a perk or field upgrade)

menu - all i'm going to say is joke.

gameplay, i will admit i do enjoy playing the game an even more so when the social side works and i can party up with other BK players. and i think hardcore will be more fun.

gunsmith - ok this is how the weapon progression and unlock system works as far as i can tell. you still have weapon classes like assault rifles, smg, shogun etc but to unlock all the attachments for example lets take the M4, you have to rank the M4 to level 20 (in the beta at least) and part of that progression will unlock some attachments and also some receivers. Then you can go into gun smith for the M4 and change the reciever to FTAC recon (which be default is a single shot you have to switch it to full auto at the beginning of each round) then you have to rank this receiver up to level 15 (and you don't have any attachments to for this weapon to start with in the beta at least) and again this will unlock some more attachments which can be used with this weapon and on the base M4 then while ranking up the FTAC recon receiver you unlock the FSS hurricane receiver and then you can start ranking this receiver up again starting with no attachments. so by the looks of it, too unlock all the attachments for the base M4 you will have to in effect use the M4 (assault rifle), the FTAC recon (battle rifle), FSS Hurricane (SMG), 556 Icarus (LMG), M16 (assault rifle)

perk system ok so how this works is you pick 4 the first 2 are active from the start and the others activate after a set time which is reduced by earning score, so in TDM the better players get a boost sooner than other players. I think to current set up would work for object based modes best, you earn more points capping supporting teammates than going off alone to try and get the most kills.
now some of the perks like hardline which reduce the number of kill need for a killstreak by 1 activating towards the end game can be a nice way to boost your score  rather than been active from the get go but i think it might work better as a second field upgrade that becomes avaliable after the half way points is reached for example.

Kill/score streaks so far not had any issue with them but with it been core i have to rely on the care package to test the higher end streaks, but i do like the fact you can switch between killstreak and scorestreaks
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