Polite & Friendly's


Vanguard a review by KevMan

KevManMon Sep 20, 2021 5:37 pm

REMINDER - game is in BETA so a lot of reviews from others will be jaded with that point of view.

WIth that. I will continue.

I am a COD fanboy. Always have. Always will be.

The only thing available right now is CORE which is typical in every BETA released for COD franchise.

This game is a step forward from CW by leaps and bounds. And there are many facets as to the "why" this is.  

I have had MANY of BK complain about having to take a whole clip/mag to kill someone.  The issue is, if you never have played core you simply don't know how to play it.  In order to be successful in CORE you have to start your aim at the head and move down to the chest.  I have had many games where I am doing VERY well with that mindset.  In fact, with that ACCURACY IS everything. If you aren't doing what I stated above you will be frustrated with CORE.

Player movement in VG is extremely fluid and mimics ModerN Warfare perfectly. There is NOTHING clunky about the movement here. Smooth as butter and again mimics MW perfectly.

The footstep (Sound) issue is intentional right now. There is no talk about them changing it which will make people who like to flank (me) very happy. No issues from me on this right now.

I have put far more time into this game than most as i am level 27 at the moment which has equated to 4-5 hours of gameplay. I will be continuing to play this game. I am extremely excited for launch.

In response to Mr T's  2 bullet to multiple issues.. Well, yeah.... If you are trying to be accurate with your weapon (Head to Chest) you will have randomness.

Yes, we are back to the old school Killstreaks. I have had Glide Bomb on several occasions and have had several large kill streaks (depending on map, Govatu et.al) with a kill of 6 or more.  You just need to know how to maneuver the bomb (hint: your mouse is the key).

Map sizes are slight larger than all of CW's maps with better graphical variance (to me).

Vanguard brings a new game type called PATROL which is EXTREMLY fun and most of us have enjoyed that game type.
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MaxwellSmartMon Sep 20, 2021 6:34 pm

 Thanks for the post Kev. I am Starting to get the hang of it.
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mr-tMon Sep 20, 2021 9:05 pm

Hey Kevman,
Glad to hear you are enjoying the game. i know its currently just a beta and the point of the beta is test the game and things will change and hopefully there will be hardcore.
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Snap71Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:53 pm

Having played some amount of core in cw it does require a much different shot approach. Having watched many kill cams I have seen what works - like KevMan says Lol, now to execute and wait for HC Lol again. One great thing is joining and teaming up ACTUALLY WORKS!!! The more I play the more I lean to purchase. Patrol is awesome!
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MrKrinkleTue Sep 21, 2021 4:46 am

As many of you would know, I do love the WWII game and this is the closest to W@W (the best fps game) i think my main problem is with it being in CORE. I like the progression, graphics, weapon physics and sounds, i do get annoyed with small things in game like movement speed when crouched etc. but i'm thinking that like many new games, i will adapted, i will keep playing the Beta to give it a chance, and that's what it needs, a chance.
p.s.  That Russian map is brilliant, bet map we can play atm.
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OrckWed Sep 22, 2021 3:18 pm

The more I am playing this game, the more I am liking it. The hard part is it being core, obviously. I had to find a gun that hit really hard and had lots of ammo per clip which ended up being the Thompson for me. I also had to strategically mount my gun in some situations. Once I did that, and also trained myself to shoot well past when I thought they should be dead (hardcore) and not reload my clip, I started doing so much better. I won't have to do any of that in hardcore. Also, the whole running and gunning is way more obvious in core because they can move around so fast and take so much damage before dying. Again, something that won't survive in hardcore. I think the fact that the game has so many hiding spots and mounting spots for your gun and so many destructible areas which will create great custom cover, it's gonna be such a fun hardcore experience!
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GTPerWed Sep 22, 2021 3:41 pm

I'm having the same experience. I don't like the core, but the more I play Vanguard, the more I'm liking it (I'm level 25 I think).
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