Polite & Friendly's


What Games nowadays

13LegionMon Apr 08, 2019 1:33 am

Hey all. Just wondering what games we are playing now? I use to notice the servers would show on our forum page. I just see Black Ops on there with it never populated. I’m trying to get a newer PC up to play. I still love W@W but I realize that we really don’t support that anymore. I must say it seems like we can’t get behind a game like we did with that. I like Battlefield 1 as I play that on PS4. I guess I’m kinda stuck in the past here, wanting to relive the fun times again with full servers and the banter on TS. So I guess what I’m asking is what game is the bulk of our members playing these days? Thanks! 13 Legion.  Admin if you want this posted under BK only that’s fine.
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KarowMon Apr 08, 2019 5:36 am

Hi 13Legion, I guess the clan is kind of split between BFV and BO4. No rentable servers in either game right now. Not sure there ever will be again. EA keeps talking like they are concidering a rentable server program for BFV but at this point it is just talk.

I am with you miss the old days of a WaW server going all night long even our BFBC2 server would go all night some nights. Get that new PC up and running and join us.
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MrKrinkleMon Apr 08, 2019 5:56 am

What Karow is saying is correct, but forgot to mention that we have a BF4 server called "Bad Karma" it is hardcore, but like Blops is seldom populated atm.
Blops is still being played on "Shotgun Fridays" but not often during the week.

p.s. we are doing fire team challenges atm on Saturdays.! the post is in the Forums.
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13LegionMon Apr 08, 2019 10:59 pm

Thanks guys! Good to hear from ya Karow. Yes we did pull some all nighters on W@W. Good times.  Side note. I’m working about a block away from where we had our BK meet up in Chicago. Miss you BK crew. Crouch on...
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